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Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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  1. K

    Knees weak arms are heavy

    Can you still see your result on ncees?
  2. K

    Louisiana Board "We have not received the scores"

    PASS BABY PASS PASS PASS!!!  Congratulations to everyone else as well! We did it! (Mechanical PE - mechanics/materials)
  3. K

    OCT 2016 exam pencil color will be... ???

    Sadly, I am a potential PE!  Hey in my mind, it made sense that NCEES might change the lead color so there would be no question about markings in references.  But I stand corrected now, as you all have so graciously/sarcastically spelled out the joke to me.  Hoping that the Oct '16 pencil will...
  4. K

    October 2016 exam

    I took the mechanics/materials section.  First time examinee; I'm hoping that was also my last (successful) attempt.  I found the morning to be tougher than the afternoon, which surprised me.  I swore I was going to get a beating on the afternoon session since I didn't feel like I...
  5. K

    OCT 2016 exam pencil color will be... ???

    Probably going to get some flack for this, but you all aren't referring to the color of the lead, right?  Or have people been referring to the color of the pencil itself?  White/green casing for the Oct 2016 exam.