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Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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  1. K

    Does SE (IL) works in MO?

    Hi you all awesome structural engineer, I am a SE in IL. I am planning to move to St Louis in the summer. Does my SE license works in MO or I need to take a PE exam to have a PE license for MO? Thank you so much and Happy New Year!
  2. K

    SE Exam Lateral Morning Strategy

    This is my 3rd-time try in a row for Lateral Exam (Building). I have A, A, A, IR for the afternoon, but I only get 23/40 in the morning. So I pretty sure if I get a few more correct I would pass the exam and end this mission impossible. Can someone shed some light on how to get more correct...
  3. K

    Good Morning From Chicagoland

    Hi Everyone! This is Neo and I am practicing structural engineer in Chicago. Thought maybe a good idea to introduce a bit about myself, I am born and raised in Hong Kong and studied in England, Nottingham. Now I have been through 3 brutal winter in Chicago, my firm works on some high-rise...