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  1. T

    Friday the 13th and pre letter opening rituals

    I get it, destroy the letter before reading it. I find it hard to believe that everyone gets the letter and immediately opens it. Somebody in this forum has to have done something strange before opening the letter. I could see letting my girlfriend open it or putting the envelope up to a light...
  2. T

    Friday the 13th and pre letter opening rituals

    I am in Las Vegas and of course my state is going to make sure we get our letters on Friday the 13th. Because why would anyone in Vegas be superstitious? If I can get to the mailbox without crossing any black cats or breaking a mirror I should be fine but.... Any suggestions for a ritual I can...
  3. T


    A coworker in Reno received their letter yesterday and he passed. I am in Las Vegas and hope todays THE day. I can't think of any better day to receive the news than Friday the 13th.