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Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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  1. K

    Has anyone taken the CBT version of the FE?

    I PASSED!!! Hope you did too!
  2. K

    Has anyone taken the CBT version of the FE?

    I had 57 questions in the first section and split the time down the middle... I should have taken the break when I finished the first section, but instead I spent the remaining 30 min looking at problems I was unsure of. I had trouble re-focusing after the break and time management went...
  3. K

    Has anyone taken the CBT version of the FE?

    I took the other disciplines exam yesterday and my experience was identical to yours. I was disappointed that you couldn't jump to a specific section... I kept waiting for heat transfer and thermo to come up (my strong points), but they didn't appear until the very end... I ran out of time for...