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  1. Thunnda PE

    Too early to put PE on linkedin and/or email signature?

    Congrats on passing! I waited until I got my number, just to be sure.
  2. Thunnda PE

    April 2016 Pencil

  3. Thunnda PE

    Water Resources / Environmental Resource Material

    To be completely honest with you, I didn't find the WR Depth Manual (from PPI) to be all that great. My 2nd time taking the exam, it didnt even make the cut of references. As mentioned, you're not limited to how many resources you can have, but fumbling through multiple resources will cost you a...
  4. Thunnda PE

    Just signed up for EET

    Everyone, I feel your pain when it comes to having a kid(s) when trying to prepare for the exam. I took PPI for the April '15 exam and failed. Immediately signed up for EET for the Oct '15 exam and passed. My son is 3 and I hated being away from him on Saturdays (and Sunday's for review) but in...
  5. Thunnda PE

    Received Pass Notice from NCEES, but still waiting on State Board?

    Ha! I'm going through the same feelings here in Georgia. My promotion takes place once I receive my license number, so needless to say, I'm ready already. 
  6. Thunnda PE

    Pennsylvania is out

    Been there before! Enjoy your family over the next 2 weeks, then gear up once again! You can do it! (Go Tigers!) 
  7. Thunnda PE

    GA PE License Issued?

    Thanks for the update TomTom 
  8. Thunnda PE

    GA PE License Issued?

    Yeah, I did so yesterday and it hasn't updated. I haven't received the email from the State still
  9. Thunnda PE

    GA PE License Issued?

    Does anyone have any idea how long it has taken (historically) to issue License numbers? I'm ready to change my email signature already :)  
  10. Thunnda PE

    There's no turning back now

    THIS!! I'm also an advocate for EET WRE. If you take heed to what Nazrul recommends for studying and complete the assignments, you will be well on your way to becoming a PE. Good luck!
  11. Thunnda PE

    Post here if you passed

    Haha!! Worth it! 
  12. Thunnda PE

    Post here if you passed

    Passed Civil -WR, 2nd time thanks to the good folks at EET! Congrats to all new PE's and those that will take the journey again to become one.
  13. Thunnda PE

    GA PE License Issued?

    I agree! Congrats to those that passed, and those who did not DO NOT GIVE UP!! 
  14. Thunnda PE

    GA PE License Issued?

    RESULTS ARE IN GUYS!!! I passed Water Resources 2nd attmept! Thank you EET!!
  15. Thunnda PE

    GA PE License Issued?

    I'm a repeat tester and I told myself this time, I wouldnt get all anxious about the results.. but this wait has really changed all of that lol! Everyone in GA got results at the same time in April, so I really dont know what the issue is 
  16. Thunnda PE

    GA PE License Issued?

    Ha!! Yup, thats the answer I got as well.. 
  17. Thunnda PE

    Just called NCEES about Scores

    Still waiting in Georgia as well..
  18. Thunnda PE

    GA PE License Issued?

    This blows!!
  19. Thunnda PE

    GA PE License Issued?

    I'm assuming that all of your guys who checked through SOS have your EIT in GA? I'm an SC EIT, so there's no way to check for me.. 
  20. Thunnda PE

    GA PE License Issued?

    If you pass, I dont believe it will.