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  1. M

    FE pass rates October 2010

    Wow I thought my results were late (Jan 4). Now I don't feel so bad. I was so anxious for my results that I called the state board and the person I spoke with so happened to tell me that they just received the results and to check the website in two hours. Hehe I check in probably less than 30...
  2. M

    Pass / Fail Line for Oct 2010 FE Exam

    I was told by one of my professors that you have to get 70%. Obviously I think that has changed since he took it. Someone told me people have been known to pass on 50% these days. The percentage changes every year based on the collective scores so I've heard.
  3. M

    What Color was the Pencil?

    Ear plugs? I brought my own earplugs. Well anyway it was white and green. I still have mine. Had no idea I wasn't suppose to take it. A couple of people took there pencil. They weren't actively collecting them or at least didn't make it a big issue