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Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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  1. P

    Thermal/Fluid Depth

    Same as yours. Though I will bring some college books that I have. I also, figure it out not to take heavy lunch and go for the light one. You dont want to have problem on exam day and screw your mood.
  2. P

    Going for it - April 2010

    I agree with the website. Its very helpfull especially knowing what's ahead from experiences of takers and passers. Also, posting some Q's and having A's from others. I will also take T&F this april for first time. Let's do our best that we can to pass this one.
  3. P

    Ultimate FE Study Plan?

    My Suggestion is to work first on Math (Be good at it) . Then work on your strength (subjects that your good at). In my case, I have skipped three subjects that I'm not good but made sure I'll knock-out many (if not all) problems on my strength subjects. I'm civil (in college) and not that...