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  1. J


  2. J


    Right, but since we SoCal folk haven't received our letters yet, if the database has been updated and our names aren't there, well...
  3. J

    So...... how was October 2008???

    I sat for both for the first time. I thought seismic went better than I was expecting (thanks Mr. Hiner!), but survey was tougher than I was expecting. Some of those questions were just stupid. I guess I have to watch how I word it to protect "Exam Security", but nobody in the real world...
  4. J

    Benchmarks in a seismically active zone

    I moved to LA from rock solid stable Chicago a couple of months ago and the little earthquake today got me thinking. Since LA is on a different techtonic plate than the rest of the country, which apparently moves northwards 2 inches per year, how do they set the coordinates on permanent...
  5. J


    I KNEW this was going to happen. I'd been checking the website 3 times an hour for weeks, and the long weekend I go out of town, the results come out. But nonetheless, :PASSED2: PE Civil/Trans
  6. J


    False alarm. Everything's back up, and nothing's been added.
  7. J


    Something's going on with the database. People that I know who are PEs are no longer listed on the webpage. So, either they're updating it, or there's a catastrophic failure.
  8. J


    You guys are killing me. I saw that this thread had exploded to 7 responses, I thought they'd released 'em. I checked the DPR website before opening the thread, and went through a minor panic when I didn't see my name. Any day now, right?
  9. J

    The plan for when the envelope arrives....

    I wouldn't think of it like that. The odds of your passing have more to do with your preparation than with national pass rates. This always reminds me of a class I took in school. The final was optional, the only people who took it were those who hoped to improve their semester grade. The...
  10. J

    The plan for when the envelope arrives....

    I'm hoping that IL updates their online database in a timely fashion, so that I know what the letter says before I see it in the box...