Spin-Up for the Electrical and Computer PE Exam (Power) - Five Sample Exams (Third Edition)
- Includes 400 Sample Questions and Solutions
- Mixture of Quantitative and Qualitative Sample Problems
- Excellent Diagnostic Tool to Identify Areas for Improvements and Gaps in Reference Material...
Week 7 Question posted. The question involves finding the short circuit current at the fault using the MVA and other methods.
Previous week question(s) under previous week tab.
Lizzy, it appears you have an old version (1st Edition, 1st Printing). The Errata on the website (spinupexams.com) for the 1st edition contains the corrections.
This week's topic is finding the short-circuit current at a fault using the MVA method.
Week 7 Question For The Week can be found at:
Under the "Question For The Week" tab.
Previous week's question can be found on separate "tab"