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  1. P.E. Luchion

    Info on New Yorks results

    I checked, my last name begins with the letter "A" so no dice here, i hope its not a sign for the things to come!
  2. P.E. Luchion

    Info on New Yorks results

    Good luck to everyone the wait is almost over. Hopefully this ends up being a great bday gift.
  3. P.E. Luchion

    Looking for a Structural Engineer I guess?

    MA_PE thanks for the help they responded to her quickly and will be setting up a appt wit her.
  4. P.E. Luchion

    Looking for a Structural Engineer I guess?

    I hope this finds you all well. I have a friend who currently lives in a co-op. The unit above her has recently became available. She is thinking of purchasing it and joining the 2 units. She is looking for some who would be willing to do a site visit and answer her questions on combining...
  5. P.E. Luchion

    Info on New Yorks results

    on the bright side I can bring in the new years nicely instead of wondering y i failed....
  6. P.E. Luchion

    Time to end affirmative action?

    You make some interesting points. Im glad we had this discussion and we were all cool and mature enough not to let it get out of hand.
  7. P.E. Luchion

    Predictions for Obama admin

    Actually he was thinkin of replacing the bowling alley with a full size indoor baseketball court. The one on site is barely half court.
  8. P.E. Luchion

    Time to end affirmative action?

    dleg I agree on all your points. And it saddens me that your children have to go thru a system like that but thats the reality that alot children face in this country.
  9. P.E. Luchion

    Time to end affirmative action?

    Not given a way out but a better opportunity for us to help ourselves get out. You right we will agree on disagreeing. Because from what i getting from your post is that you telling me,its too bad that I live in a crappy neighborhood and have a crappy school district it is what it is and I...
  10. P.E. Luchion

    Time to end affirmative action?

    True in that case that definitely aint cool.
  11. P.E. Luchion

    Time to end affirmative action?

    In the end affirmative action was supposed to make up for the wrong doing to minorities in the past. As I stated I dont think its particularly fair but its a necessary evil for now...... Sraymond in terms of parents I agree with you 100 percent. But you tellling me that most of the parents in...
  12. P.E. Luchion

    Time to end affirmative action?

    Supe I definitely see where you coming from me. I personally dont agree with personal handouts or me simply getting the promotion because of the color of my skin. Im referring to all of us getting a decent education that we all pay for through taxes. Just a few years ago Mayor Bloomberg...
  13. P.E. Luchion

    Time to end affirmative action?

    I think you missed my point, sounds like you had a income problem, not a lack of education problem. Obviously we all took different paths to achieve what we have today. But when kids in my community are still using 40 year old textbooks while those in more affluent neighborhoods are using the...
  14. P.E. Luchion

    Time to end affirmative action?

    I am LATINO; You cant tell me I didnt work my ass off to achieve my BS in Mechanical Engineering, affirmative action does not give you a degree. It provides you a opportunity and a chance to be successful and through hard work you can achieve the success. Its been proven over and over again...
  15. P.E. Luchion

    Erection day

    I was there at 5:30 am at my poll place that opened at 6am. Fortunately I was in and out in 20 mins.
  16. P.E. Luchion


    LEED 2009? What are they changing?
  17. P.E. Luchion

    Tight security?

    Wow we had no restrictions in NYC, thats definitely sucks
  18. P.E. Luchion

    ME PE Question regarding reference materials

    Having Air and Steam tables saves you time from interpolating since the data in back of MERM skips numbers. So its essential for saving time interpolating and saving you from a mistake during your interpolation calcs
  19. P.E. Luchion

    Tight security?

    I live way uptown manhattan, I was thinking of taking the train but it would have been a hr plus on the train and I had a milkcrate with no wheelcart. Since I was told I would be allowed to park in faculty parking, I figured I would just drive. I got there in 20 mins that morning. But it went...
  20. P.E. Luchion

    Tight security?

    HAHA tell me about it, definitely not the circumstances, you want to be taking a major exam under.