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  1. M

    Grainger Problem #3.1

    Feel free to post more examples from Grainger. I don't have Grainger and I ran out of new problems to do with NCEES, Spin, CI, and Graffeo.
  2. M

    Grainger Problem #3.1

    Yes, those are both options for the number of poles in the two generators to be on the same shaft. However, the only answer to the question is 10 poles and 24 poles because you want the highest rpm possible
  3. M


    I would appreciate the reference in the GaTech binder if anybody has it.
  4. M

    Grainger Problem #3.1

    To obtain the highest speed, you would need the lowest number of poles. For the 25 Hz gen, 10 poles is the lowest even number that would satisfy the equation while also producing an even number of poles for the 60 Hz gen.
  5. M

    DC machine losses

    Yeah, I had this same problem. Camara pg 42-3 lists losses in a motor... Hysteresis and stray losses exist in dc machines.
  6. M

    Ripple factor & Complex Imag. 1-75

    You're welcome. Glad I made the right assumption. I too made note of it in my binder. Thanks for finding the response from CI.
  7. M

    Ripple factor & Complex Imag. 1-75

    I'm not sure, but I would guess that you use Vrms/Vavg when Vrms is the supplied rms voltage and sqrt((Vrms/Vavg)2-1) when Vrms is the rms voltage across the load. That's the only difference I see between the two problems.
  8. M

    Half Wave Ractifier

    So in NCEES 515, does it not matter if the circuit is half wave or full wave? I agree with dayrongarcia, but in NCEES' explanation for the half wave rectifier, they state reverse voltage is twice the peak value or 2*sqrt(2)
  9. M

    Half Wave Ractifier

    So I ran into the same issue today... doesn't look like anyone has clarification. PPI says in Table 27.2 (1st edition, 3rd print) that Vrms/Vm is 1/2. Complex Imaginary and NCEES say sqrt(2) The PPI Errata does not cover the issue.
  10. M

    PE Power Sample Exam

    A co-worker just gave me the first edition of the Camara sample exam today. He took probably 10 years ago. Is the morning session more for the electronics exam and not the power? I don't see many power related questions at all.
  11. M

    What's on your FORMULA SHEET?

    Does anyone have a good recommendation on what to do after you finish all of the practice tests? I am doing a lot of theory now, but still want to keep doing problems. My second time through the NCEES and CI, I only missed a few because I took notes on formulas and theory for the ones I missed...
  12. M

    Tom Henry Key Word Index and NEC Book

    59 in the 2014 Handbook edition.
  13. M


    I struggled too with finding good publications on autotransformers. I just wrote down the formulas in my binder whenever I came across an autotransformer problem in the practice exams I have.
  14. M

    What's on your FORMULA SHEET?

    I'm not familiar with school of PE notes or PPI notes, but Graffeo is a really good reference. Camara is a backup reference for me. I prefer Camara for lighting equations and interest tables, but it is really dense. Graffeo is easy to familiarize yourself with in a short time. I need to start...
  15. M

    What's on your FORMULA SHEET?

    I've referenced Graffeo a lot when I did all of the practice exams. I'm almost finished reading through the Graffeo book and tabbing it. I also have a binder with my own notes. Each page is a different topic. If I couldn't answer a practice exam question using Graffeo or Camara, I write it on...
  16. M

    Tom Henry Key Word Index and NEC Book

    I am. I use the NEC everyday at work, but I just got Tom Henry's Handbook a month ago for the exam. It's quite handy.
  17. M

    Index for All sample exams discussions and reference materials

    Are op amp questions fair game on the Power PE, or would it be highly unlikely? I have't seen one practice question yet on op amps (NCEES, Complex Imaginary, Spin Up, or Graffeo).
  18. M

    Which Calculator for the Power P.E.

    I'm using the fx-115ES
  19. M

    What's in your binder?

    Topic says it all... what references/articles do you have in your binder? Paralleling Transformers: MVA Method...
  20. M

    Graffeo Ex. 18 Per Unit

    Ohhh, it's because it is related to the base of the zone. Zone 3 has a base of 33kV, so the old base value would have to be on the 28kV side of the transformer. If the new base value was based on Zone 2, or 135.54kV, he would have to use 115kV for the old base.