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  1. K

    Electromagnetic Sample Problem from Kaplan

    Im having trouble with this magnetic core problem. Not all the way sure how you can set this up in circuit form to find the ratio of the flux in each leg. I have attach the problem. SKMBT_42014070803170.pdf
  2. K

    magnetic circuit problem

    Flyer _PE THANK YOU So Much Man that really click after you show me where to go WOW!
  3. K

    magnetic circuit problem

    I have a question on NCEES sample problem 116 on magnetic circuits: the answer for the flux at leg C is 1/4 instead of 3/4 for flux at leg B why is the flux at leg C not 3/4 ? See Attach question. thank you f
  4. K

    NCEES Sample problem ?

    I got it now it took me a mintue to see it but now i understand :thumbs:
  5. K

    NCEES Sample problem ?

    Thank you so much for your quick response that where I was a little hazy at. So I should only assume they wanted the current not unless they specify the phase current?
  6. K

    NCEES Sample problem ?

    Good Afternoon I’ve attach this practices problem (118) from NCEES book but I’m stuck on why the current coming from the generator is 760 instead of 1320 amps shouldn’t the current on the delta side of the transformer increase by sqrt of 3? ncees.pdf
  7. K

    lighting illumation engineering handbook

    Is there any books that deal with lighting (illumination) calculation that may be question on the PE exam? I’m looking for some good illumination references for lighting
  8. K

    The Electrical Engineer's Guide to Passing the Power PE Exam

    Is The Electrical Engineeer's Guide to passing the power PE exam by Alexander S. Graffeo PE a good study tool there are a lot of book out there but for people who have pass the test find this book useful?
  9. K

    PE Power Sample Exam

    I wanted to know if anybody can recommend to me some more PE Power sample exam question books I have the Kalpan , Camara and Complex Imaginary does anybody know more sample question material ? thank you
  10. K

    PE Power Sample Exam

    I wanted to know if anybody can recommend to me some more PE Power sample exam question books I have the Kalpan , Camara and Complex Imaginary does anybody know more sample question material ? thank you
  11. K

    Velocity of propagation

    Does anyone know what will cause the the "velocity o propagation" to increase in a transmisson line I was thinking if the decrease in capacitance per-unit length meaning that the transmisson line is getting a shorter distance therefore the velocity would be greater and the there would be a...
  12. K

    Parallel Motors Power Factor

    thank you Marcus
  13. K

    Parallel Motors Power Factor

    I got it thank you very much for you response
  14. K

    Parallel Motors Power Factor

    I came across a problem in complex imaginary problem dealing with induction motor and synchronous motors. the problem states: A 3 phase motor bank consists of 4 motors : 2 of them are induction motors and the other 2 are synchronous motors. The synchronous motors are running in an...
  15. K

    Time current curve graph

    Thank you for responding to my question it took me a minut to see what actually going on but I think i got now
  16. K

    Time current curve graph

    I was going through a time current curve graph from complex imaginary problem 71 afternoon section. The problem want to know the current magnitude when the instataneous override mechanism of the ICCB is activated base on the graph can anybody explain to me how to read the graph in order to...
  17. K

    HVDC Transmission System

    HI I was going through my complex imaginary problems 60 volume 3 And I just wanted to know if anybody know how much information should I cover on hvdc system and if any one has seen hvdc type problem on the PE exam .? thank you
  18. K

    Complex Imaginary Auto Transformer problem

    thank you very much Bruno I understand what you did but just do understand what exactly CI did to get thier answer
  19. K

    Complex Imaginary Auto Transformer problem

    hi Bruno thank you for replying it the morning solution problem 27 volume two
  20. K

    Complex Imaginary Auto Transformer problem

    Hello Im new to the engineering board and I wanted to know if anybody could help me with this problem? I have a 20 kva auto transformer with a 300v step up to a 600v and the question want to find the turn ratio. Can someone tell me when does the equation V1/V2 = 1/(1+n1/n2) this seem to be...