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  1. K

    Parallel Transformer connection

    I understand what you’re saying about the current and how it will flow the path of least impedance but the turn ratio seem to me would make an unbalanced load, not unless what they are saying is regardless of the turn ration as long as the impedance can be adjusted and both transformer have the...
  2. K

    transformer polarity dot convention

    thank you it helps clear thing up a little better
  3. K

    Parallel Transformer connection

    I've be trying to understand the complex imaginary problem 46 about unequal loading condition and from the information I seen the only allowable difference that allow for parallel transformer connection is that the impedance of the two transformer can be slightly different but every thing...
  4. K

    transformer polarity dot convention

    If there is a chance Transformer Polarity dotted convention are possible test question does anyone know how much I should understand about Dot convention in transformer as well as autotransformer. The only thing I understand so far the current flow through the dot in the transformer but not sure...
  5. K

    Transformer Ratings

    you and me both i wish you well
  6. K

    Transformer Ratings

    thank you kovz
  7. K

    Transformer Ratings

    PwrEngr Do you know where I can get a copy of that section without having to purchase the whole IEEE book?
  8. K

    Transformer Ratings

    Since Transformer Rating of Apparent has come up as topic I understand that there is cooling classes sets for transformer(example OA/FA/FOA) and each transformer will have a cooling rating set that goes with a set of apparent power and a voltage rating. But I'm not sure how the transformer...
  9. K

    anyone selling NESC or NEC 2014

    Kovz would you be wiling to give me a copy of the nec 2014 and 2014 nesc on pdf too?
  10. K

    anyone selling NESC or NEC 2014

    yes new spec sheet say 2014
  11. K

    Zone of protection

    thank you
  12. K

    Zone of protection

    Thank you, I think I got now after looking a Graffeo study reference on protective relays The Art & Science of Protective Relaying by C. Russell Mason on page 5 . He explain the field of protection for each breaker and where a fault will cause CB to open. So if look at the problem CB 4 zone...
  13. K

    Zone of protection

    Hi I was working a practice problem from the engineer guide by Graffeo problem 35 and I don’t quiet understand how his answer for back up protection are cb 2,7,6. I understand how cb 7 and cb 6 can be back up but not cb 2 I would think cb 2 would trip also I have attached the problem if some...
  14. K


    thank you all for the information
  15. K


    I was going thru the Ncees outline for area of study and wanted to know what reference to use or search for when it comes to grounding section under the transmission distribution section? Thank you for any information
  16. K

    PE Power Study Group for April 2015 through googlegroups?

    when and how do i start
  17. K

    PE Power Study Group for April 2015 through googlegroups?

    yes im interested how do I start
  18. K

    Study Group Power exam in April

    Is there anyone in North Jersey area preparing to take the the PE Power Exam in April who would like to meet up to study for the exam ?
  19. K

    Power systen anaysis problems 1:15,1:22

    thank you so much I need some time to really go over the steps I appreciate your time to work the problems out