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    Master from US not Valid?

    @Willsee, ABET is technical and engineering accredition and when the state board cites so called deficiencies it is always humanities related. Not engineering, science or math. The university I got my masters from is ABET accredited for the BS program and the same department and faculty oversee...
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    Master from US not Valid?

    The discussion is about US masters not being valid for many states administering the licensing process and not Indian schools vs. US schools. The school comparison would be a very childish thing to do. I do not understand why state boards like FL make it exteremely hard for someone with a...
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    Post April 2011 Diagnostic Report scores here (xx/80) if you failed

    47/80 (22 morning, 25 afternoon) WR-Civil Fail
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    The Average Passing Score?

    I was talking about this exam being 70% for Civil. I do realize that every exam varies. In any event, I have considerable improvement to do from my first attempt.
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    The Average Passing Score?

    I think the 70% of correct answers is the pass for Civil. The broken line in the bar graphs in my diagnostic for the passing candidates is always constant for any subject area. The subject areas where I was closest to the passing examinees were around 70% (in terms of the correct answers). I got...
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    I failed my 1st attempt :( Took the Civil-Water Resources exam. The diagnostic says I got 60% of the morning questions correct and 50% in the afternoon. Looks like 70% would have done it for me.
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    I have the same question as Jonjo, how do ya know? I took the Civil-Water Resources exam in AZ, how bout you guys?
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    funny pic thread

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    LinkedIn Group

    Just requested to join.
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    Salary by Discipline

    BS Civil 98 MS Environmental 02 EIT 4 yrs experience environmental consulting South florida 57K