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  1. C

    Map: April 2016 Results Released

    Last year NCEES results were released on the 15th and state specific came out late on the 16th or the 17th.. there is a day or two lag. My advice get some popcorn and watch the results come in.. or  drink heavily.. your choice. 
  2. C

    CA Results

    you know it will be Monday or Tuesday...  CA is always a few days later than the other states. 
  3. C

    Who here took the Civil Transportation PM test?

    I work for a DOT.  I took the Transpo because I'm generally good at geometrics and traffic stuff.  The unlicensed salary overlaps with licensed so I will eventually get a raise. The big pay off comes in the ability to apply for a supervising position.   My supervisor is a few years older than I...
  4. C

    2016 results

    Congrats to all who passed...   I'm sure California will make us wait the weekend... just to be sadistic.
  5. C

    2016 results

    well i'm getting nothing done today... 
  6. C

    Two weeks

    ah thank you
  7. C

    Two weeks

    The last BPELSG meeting was April 22/23rd. Where are you seeing a May meeting.?
  8. C

    Results Over/Under

    Dream on... I'm hoping it's before Memorial Day so I can either celebrate or drown my sorrows ./
  9. C

    Are any of you involved with putting together your City's CIP (Capital Improvement Plan)?

    what is CIP?... you people and your acronyms.  :) (I assume it's along the lines of the State's STIP or SHOPP)
  10. C

    Any Spring 2016 CA-Survey/Seismic exam takers?

    Last December results came out on the 17th.   So count on a solid  5-6 weeks from the last test date before results are released. And jijir83 is correct, NCEES results come first and then the CA state specific exam results get released.
  11. C

    Maryland Exam Information

    i was in Visalia and Fitbits were called out as contraband. Very non- uniform application of the rules.
  12. C

    Maryland Exam Information

    Which testing site were you at.   
  13. C

    Prefunding of Retirement Health Benefits

    That was the rule, then it changed to if you have 5 yrs (i.e. are vested) then you only pay you're share and the State paid their share. What this rule says is now we must pre fund the state's portion of our retirement health benefit.  there is immense pressure from outside to eliminate/errode...
  14. C

    Any Spring 2016 CA-Survey/Seismic exam takers?

    For surveying you need to get Reza. His problems are tougher and more akin to what you would face on the actual exam.  I did use Mounsour, but  I worked with Shahin and I get the way he explains thing. I do agree that his questions are basic.  Cuomo is useless. For seismic EET and Dr. Ibrahim...
  15. C

    Results Over/Under

    thank you
  16. C

    Prefunding of Retirement Health Benefits

    Anyone else getting hit with this?  The State and Bargaining Unit 9 hereby agree to share in the responsibility toward the prefunding of post-retirement health benefits for members of Bargaining Unit 9; and, agree that the foregoing concepts will be implemented as a means to begin to offset the...
  17. C

    Results Over/Under

    I believe the problem lies with the fitbit's ability to communicate/transmit data. There is an article back from 2005 from NCEES about exam cheating and what they are worried about. If I can find it I'll post it. In the article it mentions that they were able to convert a HP 28s to be able to...
  18. C

    Maryland Exam Information

    I still fall back on the idea that they didn't know what a fitbit looked like.  90% of proctors are retired and not the most fitness minded.  Maybe it took them a while to realize that the fitbits were not wrist watches. Either way if I'd be red hot mad if I'd been ousted in hour 7. 
  19. C

    Computer Based PE

    well that's motivation to pass right there. 
  20. C

    California Senate Bill 1085 (exam every two years for all licensees)

    sorry..  its our union,  Professional Engineers in California Government..   