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  1. L

    Surveying Exam

    Well...tomorrow night I leave for Florida for a vacation. I was really hoping to have the results before I left, but I'm losing faith.
  2. L

    New Jersey Results are Out!

    So have any of the Jersey folks that received their pass email have the PCS website updated?
  3. L

    Surveying Exam

    So I called yesterday and they said they expected to have things uploaded by Friday. I'm still refreshing every 30 minutes or so...but to be honest, I'm not really looking at the screen after it refreshes. All this time, I've felt very confident that I've passed and that this was just a...
  4. L

    Surveying Exam

    So is it time to call PCS? Or do I just wait it out?
  5. L

    New Jersey Results are Out!

    I'd check with the NJ Board. PCS has a record of my NJ FE when I took it in 2000 or 2001 or whenever it was. They also have a record that I failed the Law exam that first time. I didn't even know what the law exam was, much less was prepared for it. So I took it later, directly from the...
  6. L

    Surveying Exam

    No results yet....
  7. L

    PCS States

    Nope :pcs: until they update their site to show the results. Or at least until they tell me if I passed the NJ Surveying exam.
  8. L

    New Jersey Results are Out!

  9. L

    New Jersey Results are Out!

    Any word on if PCS has updated their website to show that you've passed in NJ yet?
  10. L

    New Jersey Results are Out!

    If you don't remember registering, you probably aren't getting it. First you should check your PCS website. It should have all the application and test data for the law exam, with all the check boxes. If all you see is the PE, then you aren't registered. They offer the law exam almost all the...
  11. L

    PCS States

    :pcs: that's why
  12. L

    Surveying Exam

    Thanks...I figured as much. The NCEES page still has the record of when I took the Pennsylvania State Specific Surveying exam, all it shows is "delivered" instead of Pass or Fail. Right now the NJ test shows "Results Pending" that popped up earlier this week.
  13. L

    PCS States

    Yep...just the state specific results....less than 2 dozen total tests...40 questions...all scantron....I don't understand. of course someone said that the PCS site hasn't been updated for NJ PE's...the notice came from NCEES. So maybe when the update PCS for the PE's the State info will pop up.
  14. L

    PCS States

    Hey lets not get ahead of ourselves...PCS is still holding up my results....
  15. L

    New Jersey Results are Out!

    Can you give a shout out when PCS is updated... The Jersey State test is only a PCS test...
  16. L

    PCS States

    This whole waiting for Surveying Results thing sucks.
  17. L

    New Jersey Results are Out!

    email or F5 update?
  18. L

    PCS States

    Does that mean Jersey was released....or that it's next?
  19. L

    Surveying Exam

    Email or did you find out from F5
  20. L

    PCS States

    3 PCS states down...4 + PR to go.... I'm sure Jersey is trying to come in last.