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  1. CTOD

    October 2017 15K, or get Matt267 PE banned, SPAM thread

    green eggs and spam
  2. CTOD

    October 2017 15K, or get Matt267 PE banned, SPAM thread

    Guess you should have passed on that side order of SPAM!
  3. CTOD

    October 2017 15K, or get Matt267 PE banned, SPAM thread

    Sounds like a bad correlation. Brains are weird.
  4. CTOD

    October 2017 15K, or get Matt267 PE banned, SPAM thread

    I had one of those too a few weeks back.  T-minus 2 to 3 weeks to find out if we're psychic!
  5. CTOD

    October 2017 15K, or get Matt267 PE banned, SPAM thread

    Yes! How did you know? You must be a PE or something...
  6. CTOD

    Hello from CA

    Cool, thanks!
  7. CTOD

    Hello from CA

    Hello All, I'm a Mechanical Engineer from CA, and have been following the boards regarding the PE exam results. They are both entertaining and de-stressing so I'm thankful they exist. I just took the Machine Design PE in October, 2017, and am eagerly awaiting my results. 
  8. CTOD

    December 8th release date

    My money is on the 15th for CA. The way I see it, if it's sooner than that, it's like a really good... or really bad surprise. 