I told you guys a couple days ago that Thursday is the day we get our results...credible source, but y'all don't listen and kiss ass to the Baconator oh well
I don't think they ever released on a Monday, or so i've heard, and they released the Oct. 17 results on a Monday so i'm hopeful. You never know tho, anything is possible....
Guys, if results start getting released the threads will go viral.....use that as your gauge, till then, all other individual users posting they received their results are basically trolling, which i think is hilarious
Awesome advice and i'm happy for you and getting that green light. We all have our weaknesses, I was talking to a coworker that passed the 8 hr first attempt and failed seismic and surveying four times each until he finally passed. My struggle is the 8 hr and I will conquer it sooner or later.....
I haven't gone through the CERM and done all the problems, maybe I will do that this time around, I honestly focused on everything other than the CERM for my studies. I actually enjoy structures, but have all the reference material already for the Transpo depth and I do not want to go through...