hey guys, What is the inverse of the 3x3 matrix (mod 26) when,
A =
[ 4 9 15
15 17 6
24 0 17 ]
plz give detailed explanation cuz i really don know how to get "modular inverse of a matrix", i know the oridinary inverse only.
how to do the a logic circuit to get 16 functions:f0 to f15 for two variables x,y
where f0=0, f1=xy, f2= xy', f3= x, f4=x'y, f5=y, f6= x xor y, f7= x=y, f8= (x+y)', f9= (x xor y)', f10= y', f11=x+y', f12=x', f13= x'+y, f14= (xy)', f15=1
do u know other types than core2 duo that can be easy to describe - i heard AMD is a new one but i didnt find much info about it , so which type u think is good - if u have suggestions other than these two can u help me. if also you could mention me what main points must be included..THANKs for...