Are we to take the peak week of traffic compared to the annual weekly average? NCEES could make a question out of this...As long as I don't have to answer another NCEES question I'd be cool with it.
Perhaps they are strengthening the site before all of us October examines try to break the NCEES site with the F5 key? We should have a good idea of where things are once Vermont posts their meeting minutes from today.
If you refresh the page it goes away...think you guys are reading too much into it. There's no way the results are coming out as fast as April's when you had a major Holiday during the scoring.
the spacing between the line under the Posted time/date stamp and the text is off. You also didn't note that the PE and PS, results are typically not released the same day as the SE results. Good try.
For a lot of other professional exams they won't let you register again if you've passed, but when I tried to register again it said all of the registrations open on 12/12/16...what are the chances that date correlates to when the scores are released?