What an interesting psych study this would be. Most of us on here studied for months and are worried/doubtful we will pass and SamIAm over here studies the night before and thinks he could have gotten 60 correct.
I felt the same way about some of the structural questions, but I'm willing to bet with my exam it was my own lack of knowledge but with your exam it was probably a kink they need to work out. Hopefully some of those left-fielders are thrown out.
I was a few years older than traditional students when I finished my Masters, so I was studying this go around with a 2.5 year old and a 3 month old at home. Definitely felt like father of the year because I was never there :mellow:
What I don't understand is why you guys haven't been spamming @NCEES on twitter asking about it.
I haven't because I don't have the cajones and I'm certain that as soon as I ask they will either let me know I failed or downgrade me to a fail.