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Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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  1. O

    Electrical PE References / Study Material

    Bumping this to the top. Just thought I would bring it up for those of your preparing for the April exam. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you and good luck on the upcoming test.
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    Electrical PE References / Study Material

    1. Sold. 2. Sold. 3. Sold. 4. Sold. 5. Sold. 6. Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineer’s – 14th Edition – Price $50 Kaplan AEC Education Books: 7. Sold. 8. Electrical Engineering: A Referenced Review for the PE Exam -- 4th Edition -- ISBN: 978-1-4277-5153-9 – Price $30 9. Electrical...
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    Electrical PE References / Study Material

    Sent a PM to you as well as an email. Just thought I would keep this at the top. I have had a few PM's lately for some references. I haven't received any payment yet though. I will never reserve books and always work on a first paid basis. I will ship within 24 hours through the post office...
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    Electrical PE References / Study Material

    Updated some pricing.
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    Electrical PE References / Study Material

    I just thought I would bring this to the top. I have a few interested parties in the MGI kit. I have not received any payment yet, and I always work on a first one to pay basis. Looking to move all of this stuff. I know the October test is fast approaching. I will ship within 24-48 hours of...
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    Electrical PE References / Study Material

    I am back in town. I also cleaned up my PM inbox. Sorry about that. Most of the other forums I contribute to allow for upwards of 200 messages. The 15 fill up very fast!
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    Electrical PE References / Study Material

    Yes, I still have the course. Replied to your PM as well. Sorry about not getting back to you. I was on the road the last two days.
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    Electrical PE References / Study Material

    I wanted to put an update to this item. This will include the reference materials and the tests for the program. The tests and tutoring help is registered to my email address and name. That help will not be included with the sale. These were great references to study from. The problems are get...
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    Electrical PE References / Study Material

    Moving this to the top again. Looking to move these items. I should be pretty quick to reply to PM's.
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    Electrical PE References / Study Material

    bump to the top. I am willing to put together discounts when purchases multiple items. Some of the prices might be negotiable. Contact me with some offers. Make the offers reasonable though. Looking to move this stuff. I have some car parts to pay for.
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    New Electrical Power Reference Manual from PPI

    I agree. I took the test once and passed. I had a lot of references prior to the test, but only took a few to the test. I the the EERM was very useful, as long as you could find your way through it.
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    Electrical PE References / Study Material

    I thought I would update the post. There are still plenty of books available here. 1. Sold. 2. Sold. 3. Sold. 4. Sold. 5. Sold. 6. Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineer’s – 14th Edition – Price $50 Kaplan AEC Education Books: 7. Sold. 8. Electrical Engineering: A Referenced Review...
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    Study / Reference Materials for sale

    I put a list on the "Yard Sale" heading for a bunch of my reference / study materials and Electrical Engineering books. Feel free to take a look and see if anything interests you.
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    Electrical PE References / Study Material

    I took the test in April 2010 for the first time and passed. I didn't take all of these to the test and I will admit, I didn't study from all of these. I began buying books a few years back to offset some of the costs. Some of these are just books I had laying around as well. There are some big...
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    Electrical PE References / Study Material

    I am putting my electrical references up for sale. I have pulled this collection together over the past years in preparation for the exam. These resources were able to help me pass the test on the first time. I haven’t done much research on the prices. Please contact me through PM if some of...
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    For those who passed Power-PE: Lets hear your studying technique

    I believe the test will make a large difference based on what each individual does for work and their background. There are some power industries that I can see would not be much help based on experience, and there are others that would have a great deal of help. I am an engineer in the...
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    Thank you. This site is great. I looked through the forums at least a couple times each week. There is a lot of good information. It was always interesting to listen to what other people were studying, stuggling with, and figuring out. I highly recommend this site to everybody in the upcoming...
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    I just received the letter in the mail from the state of Minnesota. I passed. Results: Minnesota letter on 6/9/10 Time to party.