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  1. K

    Does SE (IL) works in MO?

    Hi you all awesome structural engineer, I am a SE in IL. I am planning to move to St Louis in the summer. Does my SE license works in MO or I need to take a PE exam to have a PE license for MO? Thank you so much and Happy New Year!
  2. K

    SE Exam Lateral Morning Strategy

    This is my 3rd-time try in a row for Lateral Exam (Building). I have A, A, A, IR for the afternoon, but I only get 23/40 in the morning. So I pretty sure if I get a few more correct I would pass the exam and end this mission impossible. Can someone shed some light on how to get more correct...
  3. K

    Good Morning From Chicagoland

    Thanks a lot guys ( As the Gender stated Male), Yes my name is Neo which I picked it myself (After the matrix movie), Just to make life easier for the English speaking individuals so they could pronounce "my name" easier rather than the Chinese name. Thanks for all your suggestions. I am still...
  4. K

    Good Morning From Chicagoland

    Hi Everyone! This is Neo and I am practicing structural engineer in Chicago. Thought maybe a good idea to introduce a bit about myself, I am born and raised in Hong Kong and studied in England, Nottingham. Now I have been through 3 brutal winter in Chicago, my firm works on some high-rise...