
Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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Born in the vibrant city of Seoul, South Korea, I was raised in an environment that fostered a deep appreciation for education and innovation. From a young age, I showed an unusual curiosity for how things worked, particularly in the kitchen, where I would watch in fascination as ingredients transformed into delicious meals. This early exposure to the chemistry of cooking sparked what would become a lifelong passion for chemistry.

My journey into the world of chemistry began in earnest during my high school years. I was captivated by the periodic table—the colors, the patterns, and the way each element held a story in the grand narrative of the universe. I loved the experiments, the bubbling potions, and the sudden flashes of color. It was like magic, but real, grounded in the logic and laws of nature.

As I pursued a degree in chemistry at university, I became involved in research projects that allowed me to explore the boundaries of organic chemistry. The lab was my arena, and each experiment pushed the limits of my creativity and problem-solving skills.

But life isn't all about reactions and compounds. To balance the rigors of academic life, I found solace and excitement in the world of online gaming. Gaming became more than just a hobby; it was a community and a playground where strategies from the world of chemistry often came in handy. Whether strategizing in a complex multiplayer battle or solving puzzles under pressure, the skills I honed in the lab often mirrored those needed in the virtual arenas.

Online gaming also offered a creative outlet and a way to connect with friends and strangers alike from around the world. It taught me the importance of teamwork, communication, and thinking on my feet. These experiences have enriched my personal and professional life, providing a counterbalance to the structured and often solitary nature of scientific research.

Today, I stand at the intersection of my two passions: chemistry and gaming. I dream of developing educational games that can make learning chemistry accessible and fun for students worldwide. The merging of these worlds seems natural to me—a fusion of logic, strategy, and the joy of discovery.

As I continue to advance in my career, my aim is to inspire the next generation of scientists and gamers. Perhaps one day, the games I help create will ignite a passion for science in someone just as the kitchen chemistry of my childhood did for me.

In essence, my life is a patchwork of elements and experiences—a periodic table of moments and memories. From the lab to the digital battlefield, every day is an adventure, and I am grateful for every part of it.
February 12
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Professional Engineer