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    • Mosharrof
      Mosharrof reacted to EngineerPerson's post in the thread Virginia PE Requirements with Like Like.
      I have not! I’ll have to retake it. I do know that your decision will be made whenever the board of engineering meet up again. I think...
    • Mosharrof
      Mosharrof replied to the thread Virginia PE Requirements.
      Oh, I hope that doesn't take long. I'm planning to apply tomorrow and wait.
    • Mosharrof
      Mosharrof replied to the thread Virginia PE Requirements.
      We are on a similar page! Have you already received your EIT certification from Virginia? How long does it take after applying?
    • Mosharrof
      Mosharrof replied to the thread Virginia PE Requirements.
      Thanks for your reply. Actually, I just got my answer from a Virginia official this afternoon. I can sit for PE exam anytime after...
    • Mosharrof
      Mosharrof replied to the thread Virginia PE Requirements.
      Hello! I have passed the FE exam and just started working under a PE two months ago. Do I need to take approval from Virginia before I...
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