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  1. I

    FE October 2013...Harder than other times?

    i will retake in April ...........i am not sure about review classes??
  2. I

    FE October 2013...Harder than other times?

    I studied for 3 months with 3-4 hours daily so it didn't work for me and it won't work for me in future. I may not appear to the exam next time. Im sure I will not be able to study as hard as I did already!! Good luck all
  3. I

    FE exam results October 2013

    The result is already there..............I've checked mine with no luck!!
  4. I

    FE October 2013...Harder than other times?

    Guys---I couldn't make unfortunately. Anybody else in the same boat? Wish you all good luck!!
  5. I

    FE October 2013...Harder than other times?

    @knight I took the exam in Calgary with PM session as "Other discipline". I thought electrical may be advanced level to pass and its been 10 years that I am out of school so lets see what will happen! I thought you took Electrical in PM session but your post clarified it.
  6. I

    FE October 2013...Harder than other times?

    @Kim I agreed with Knight. By the way I am from Canada with Elec background but chose "Other Dis "for PM. When should we expect the result? Knight@ how was the Electrical PM section. wsa it harder as well?
  7. I

    FE October 2013...Harder than other times?

    Kim, Does the pass rate cary from state to state?
  8. I

    FE October 2013...Harder than other times?

    I hope I'll pass; if not then will get this book.
  9. I

    FE October 2013...Harder than other times?

    It was definatley a different exam...hrader for sure... I've preapred most of numerical questions but didn't pay too much attentions towards theory but look how many questions were statment type questions? Smaple examples also misleaded me. Will see ...waiting for result!!