First -- I passed and i was a first time taker.
In response to my own emails -- here is what i did and what worked for me. I took School of PE and started studying online on demand via video late November 2013. I cranked it up after Christimas and was pretty much done with all the material by middle of February. At that point i really felt that i was well set for the Breadth exam but was very concerned about the depth. I was doing Water Resources/Env depth and after going through School of PE's 12hr depth thought to myself " Is this really it". So i desperately started looking for anything out there that would give me more. I came across two resources -- one was PPI depth and the other was EET --
I wanted material that was exam focussed and not from the Lindeburg book. I kept hearing through these boards that Lindeburg was too much in depth.
In the end i took EET Water Resources Depth. I talked with Nazrul the instructor who teaches the course and was reassured that the course was exam focussed.
And i can tell you folks -- this Water Resources Depth course was what saved me. If you study all the material and do all the work it is a SURE bet for the PM Water Resources. Now you will HAVE to do the work and Nazrul really covers a lot of material -- so it is only a sure bet if you do the work. But again not only did i do the work -- i enjoyed it. Serious -- studying for the PM section was a pleasure.
I know they also have a section focussed on the AM -- I did not do that. For the AM i went with School of PE. Yes in the end i spent a lot of $, but i was determined to take this exam only once and give it my all in that one go. The $ will pay off eventually. Also i have small kids and could not afford to lengthen the process.
Again -- I am convinced EET depth is what saved me on this exam for the PM. I guess some folks say do well in the AM and ride for the PM. I was approaching it with a mindset of do well for the AM and PM so that you have the best shot as you just do not know what kind of questions to expect.
In terms of what i took to the exam -- School of PE material each section in a binder, EET material in two binders, Lindeburg 16th edition, NCEES sample exam which i went over many times to remind myself of the level of difficulty. Thats it and thats all i used.
OK --if you have questions feel free to email me.
Cheers and wish you all well.