How did you do on the April 2012 Exam

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I think I nailed the construction test. And by "nailing it" I don't think I got a 90%+ but I defintely don't think I will be retaking the exam in October!!!

This was my second time taking the exam (Civil-Transportation). Last time I sabotaged myself by not having the Roadside Design Guide and not being comfortable with all of my references. This time, I had all of my references in order (including the RSDG), everything tabbed well, and the afternoon was much smoother than last time. Add to that a morning performance that went very well, and I feel like this time I passed. However, I still reserve the possibility that I could fail. Anything could have happened.

But, if feelings mean anything, I feel tremendously better about this test than October 2011. It's not that it was even necessarily easier, but I was much better prepared this go 'round.

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PE power, morning was hard, afternoon was ok. I will keep my fingers crossed.... :beat:

I thought the AM was extremely easy. The Construction PM was not bad at all. I had ample time to review my answers on both segments, and glad I did. Found one question on the AM that I mislabeled. Overall the exam was much easier than I anticipated. Looking forward to the results.


This was my second time taking the exam (Civil-Transportation). Last time I sabotaged myself by not having the Roadside Design Guide and not being comfortable with all of my references. This time, I had all of my references in order (including the RSDG), everything tabbed well, and the afternoon was much smoother than last time. Add to that a morning performance that went very well, and I feel like this time I passed. However, I still reserve the possibility that I could fail. Anything could have happened. But, if feelings mean anything, I feel tremendously better about this test than October 2011. It's not that it was even necessarily easier, but I was much better prepared this go 'round.
Same here. I did so-so in the morning but I felt I did really well in the afternoon. I was much better prepared for the afternoon this time around and I was able to answer every question or at least come up with an answer. I really can't say that about the first time I took it.

PE Civil Structural- AM if my gut feeling is right I think I got minimum of 30pts and in the after I only hope to get at least 25 pts to pass, overall its fair based on NCEES outline of topics covered for the exam, however, some questions in the PM nowhere could be found in any codes even if its referenced, the choices arent there.

AM i can say, its doable but some topics I know Im weak specifically on Water Resources, Geotech. In the PM, the range of difficulty ranfes from medium and above, again some topics I have a hard time in GEotech, Economics and Bridge Engineering based on AASHTO, I do hope I made the cut off. Good luck all.

MO - Mechanical, Thermal and Fluids Systems

I walked away from the exam feeling pretty damn good, so I'm trying to hold onto that. I know no once walks away feeling like they aced it. I also know that I could feel good about lots of problems that I made minor mistakes and got to an incorrect answer they were predicting. I finished both sections with time to go back and review my answers. There were only a couple in each section that I had to make an educated guess on. Luckily, I had enough time to investigate them fully and do the best I could.

Hoping that I'm not jinxing myself by saying that I feel pretty good about it...

I feel like I was over prepared for the morning and adqueately prepared for the afternoon.

I am confindent I ace'd the morning. I walked out 30 minutes early, and I basically worked every problem twice- double checking calcs, answers, decisions, thought process, answer sheet bubbles, etc. I think I may have missed 2-3 problems at most.

Took afternoon geotech, felt like it was quite a bit tougher, but still think I did really well. I didn't leave early but still had time to double check my calcs, units, etc, on 37 of the 40 problems. May have Ace'd the afternoon as well (depnends on my 50/50 chance on some of the problems I narrowed down to 2 choices), but pretty confindent I didn't make below a B.

I'd bet money that I passed. I studied A LOT. Who the hell knows until I get final confirmation though... I could be completely out of my mind and arrived at many distractor answers...

I took my Mechanical Thermal and Fluid, PE 3 times.

1st time -> Oct, 2009 (AM hard , PM easy) -> Fail

2nd time -> April, 2010 (AM easy, PM hard) -> Fail

3rd time -> Oct, 2010 (AM hard, PM easy) -> Pass

From this story that I predict that this time April, 2012 will be (AM easy, PM hard)

I afraid to say "I nailed it". Last October I really nailed it, had only 9 unknown for the entire test. Everything was straight forwarded and clear. I failed it. :oops: Last Friday I had more unanswered questions (about 15 or less total). So, what my chances are? We'll know in 2 month :beat:

I took ME - MD depth and I agree that that am was easier than the pm for me. I felt prepared for both with the exception of the HVAC problems in the am but I ran out of time in both sections and ended up having to straight up guess on ~ 10 in the am and ~ 12 in the pm. I feel confident on most of the ones that I answered but hope I didn't fall for the traps and make some dumb mistakes. I feel it could go either way depending on the cut score.

I've posted this before for previous exam results because it is one of the more funny synopses I've read. Still makes me laugh after reading it again. Not sure if this will help any in terms of how you think you did on the exam but it is certainly worth a good laugh. Here were the poster's thoughts about the April 2011 exam:

EE - Power. "You sunk my battleship."

Preparation Time/Materials: 250 total hours. 5 textbooks, prep coursework notebook, 2 notebooks of graduate class material, calculators, snacks, rolling suitcase.

Money: ~$1,550.

General Observations: Arrived at my site 30 minutes prior to report time. Noticed that many others had literally libraries and libraries of books. Someone had a giant wagon with bungie cords holding all of the books together. Others just had a single piece of paper. Wild. I randomly started thinking of a national geographic special with narration by Morgan Freeman on PE test taking habits. I needed that laugh to clear my head.

AM Session: Felt the AM session was great. Only ended up with 6-7 that I didn't have a single solid answer or couldn't find it in my reference. I finished slightly early and checked only some of my work.

PM Session: Total unadulterated bloodbath. Couldn't seem to concentrate enough to find the equations I needed. Calculator was spitting out answers that were out of this world. Saw stuff that I barely covered in droves. About 2-3 hours into the afternoon, my brain felt like it had been through a dishwasher and I started hopping around from question to question. Not good. I will be lucky if I got a quarter to half right. I might as well have taken another discipline in the afternoon or gone to work. A monkey may have been able to do better.

Final Thoughts: As I left the exam area, I felt numb, dumb, and a little crushed. I felt like I blew the morning session out of the water. Then the PE got off a torpedo as I was heading to collect my stamp, promotion, and better life. I'm not very good at guessing and doing the math in my head all weekend I kept envisioning a percentage score in the upper 60s with an afternoon diagnostic that simply says "monkey". 6 months of neglecting my wife and family might be for nothing in the end except doing it all over again. I know the pass rate for repeaters is low, but what is the divorce rate?

Oh well. If I recall from a coworker, last years results were released in around 45-50 days following the exam. I think he got his in late May. We shall see. I guess the ultimate decision is now do I crack open another book....or another beer?


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