Help me find NEC 2017 Table 310.15(b)(7)

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Sparky Bill PE

Senior, Master, Professional, Licensed Electrical
Jun 30, 2019
Reaction score
Chattanooga TN
I have a question that shows this as the answer, but I can't find it anywhere in the NEC. Many places refer to the table but I can't find the table itself even using a search function. 

I have a question that shows this as the answer, but I can't find it anywhere in the NEC. Many places refer to the table but I can't find the table itself even using a search function. 
By any chance, is this from the Spin-Up PE Exam problems? I distinctly remember one question from their practice exams booklet asking what table is 310.15(B)(7), only to also be stumped.

@SparkyBill I have looked at NEC 2005, 2008, 2011, 2014, 2017, and 2020. That table does not exist. The problem is wrong.

@SparkyBill I have looked at NEC 2005, 2008, 2011, 2014, 2017, and 2020. That table does not exist. The problem is wrong.
Thanks for looking I went to 2011/14/17 and wasn't going to spend more time. These writers and publishers should be ASHAMED. It is a crying shame that we are busting our ass to take one of the hardest exams that exist, paying money, and they can't even get a book right. My copywrite is 2020, but inside it says it has been around as early as 2011. How embarrassing to have literature for almost a decade and STILL not have quality. 

Literally Zach Stone's course is the epitome of quality and should set the benchmark for all other competitors. :( I hate wasting time looking for something that don't exist. :(

Thanks for looking I went to 2011/14/17 and wasn't going to spend more time. These writers and publishers should be ASHAMED. It is a crying shame that we are busting our ass to take one of the hardest exams that exist, paying money, and they can't even get a book right. My copywrite is 2020, but inside it says it has been around as early as 2011. How embarrassing to have literature for almost a decade and STILL not have quality. 

Literally Zach Stone's course is the epitome of quality and should set the benchmark for all other competitors. :( I hate wasting time looking for something that don't exist. :(
I've personally never liked Spin Up and never wasted my time on it. 

But you're definitely taking this a little too personally. They are humans too and make mistakes. Zach has made mistakes - he's really good about owning it & promptly fixing it.


A little perspective:

What @LyceeFruit PE said above.  We're all human and even the best of us make mistakes.  Some of the best products out there can have errors.  I've seen Zach's stuff, Justin's stuff, and NCEES all have mistakes from time to time.   Will one source/author be more error-prone than another?  Sure, but that's just the way it is.  

You're doing the right thing:  If a solution doesn't make sense, just ask about it and move on.  Try not to dwell over it though.  We've already seen the NCEES produce errors in their own handbook.  They have attempted to correct them as best they can.  From time to time, you're going to see errors even on exam day.  The goal here is to pass the exam, not get every problem 100% correct.  Even the experts/instructors could never do that.

My advice to you is to take a deep breath, relax, and know you've done your best to prepare yourself.  After that, take the exam, do your best and let the chips fall where they may.  If you pass, great!  If not, so what?  Just pick yourself up and start preparing for the next time.

All in all, there are much worse things in life than not passing the PE (or the second time, or the third).  It's just an exam, not life or death.  You'll be fine!

Thanks for looking I went to 2011/14/17 and wasn't going to spend more time. These writers and publishers should be ASHAMED. It is a crying shame that we are busting our ass to take one of the hardest exams that exist, paying money, and they can't even get a book right. My copywrite is 2020, but inside it says it has been around as early as 2011. How embarrassing to have literature for almost a decade and STILL not have quality. 

Literally Zach Stone's course is the epitome of quality and should set the benchmark for all other competitors. :( I hate wasting time looking for something that don't exist. :(
Thanks for the kind words @SparkyBill 👍  we're happy to have you in our online program.


You're doing the right thing:  If a solution doesn't make sense, just ask about it and move on.  Try not to dwell over it though.  We've already seen the NCEES produce errors in their own handbook.  They have attempted to correct them as best they can.  From time to time, you're going to see errors even on exam day.  The goal here is to pass the exam, not get every problem 100% correct.  Even the experts/instructors could never do that.
Quality advice right here.
