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Spammer Emeritus
Nov 5, 2006
Reaction score
Geez, what is it with enviro? As soon as it gets combined into the WR, the formerly busiest civil sub-forum goes dead. Just like our dedicated enviro forum - practically nothin' but us long-time spam-masters.

What is about enviro? Why is everybody so afraid of / hate it?

I have no idea why our little part of the world hasn't picked up. :dunno:

I think the combined Env/WR will help pick it up some when it comes to exam prep time. :2cents:


I think that the rest of the engineers are afraid to get close to us enviros...too much close contact with haz waste, asbestos, wastewater, etc.

I'm taking it but I'm done studying the 8-hr til I take Testmasters. Well, I'm done on December 31st at midnight anyway. Then it's off to surveying and seismic *ack*

^^I want to take those this year, too. The CA seismic exam is a requirement to become a civil PE here in CNMI (but not an enviro PE). I thought the CA surveying exam was, too, but it turns out CNMI just requires the seismic (why one and not both????). I'm going to try to take both so I can appy for reciprocity/comity in CA. I'm just waiting for the updated Hiner book to decide when to take the exam (probably Oct. 08)

Didn't you notice, everyone is posting on the results pages because the results are finally rolling in, FASTER and FASTER it seems? (That scrolling list is going to get really long soon, I hope).

Certainly, with the new exam format things will pick up in a couple months as April testers begin to diligently study. And they will be wanting advice from tried and true test takers -- I assume that's where we all come in!

Hopefully, we can calm their nerves about the test changes. There isn't even any great study material out there for them to know what to expect, so they'll be looking to the veterans for more than the normal level of nerve-calming advice.

Be ready for a deluge after the new year!
