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  1. J

    Califonia Electrical PE application process

    It’s easy , go to instructions on BPLSEG , create your account and start filling up information. They ask your personal details, educational details, reference details and to upload documents like your educational transcripts etc.
  2. J

    Solve This Problem and Get Paid

    Due to subtractive polarity, combined turns ratio is 4-3:1 i.e. 1:1 Equivalent impedance referred to primary is thus same i.e. calculated 50<-2.2 or 50. I=240/50,-2.2=4.8<2.2 or 5A. 
  3. J

    April/October 2020 Power PE Exam Prep

    True. Ain't you going for CBT? Do NCEES issue new sample exam book? 
  4. J

    April/October 2020 Power PE Exam Prep

    Which edition it will be ?NFPA 70E??
  5. J

    April/October 2020 Power PE Exam Prep

    Thanks Zach
  6. J

    April/October 2020 Power PE Exam Prep

    What now? we are all walking into exam with that tiny book and calculator only,,,,😁
  7. J

    April/October 2020 Power PE Exam Prep

    What's your opinion Zach , about CBT power exam, reference book by NCEES and level of difficulty f exam. Do you believe its possible to pass the exam with that reference book?
  8. J

    April/October 2020 Power PE Exam Prep

    Any good material for power electronics practice
  9. J

    NCEES Sample exam question 108

    As given in solutions Option is D 29.3 A which seems like incorrect option.
  10. J

    question on 3-phase fault analysis

    Thank u so much. Bt I am sill confused 1.  when in the question they asked you calculate the  fault current contribution by G2 in the fault at the Bus Should we calculate fault current from G2 only or fault current from G2 and transformer both combined? Like you did, you calculate current in...
  11. J

    question on 3-phase fault analysis

    But why can't use  Zbase=Vbase/Ibase why its different from standard formula calculation value?
  12. J

    Sawtooth with offset Waveform Problem

    Attached is analytical analysis
  13. J

    Cram for Exam Vol 3 Q1 - 3-phase transformer bank with mixed polarities

    Can anyone explain  with phasors? It will be a better illustration to the problem?
  14. J

    question on 3-phase fault analysis

    Why can't use 10MVA as MVA base and 480V as Vbase?
  15. J

    question on 3-phase fault analysis

    how come Zbase comes 0.023? Zbase= Vbase/Ibase=480/12028=.0399
  16. J

    question on 3-phase fault analysis

    How can the contribution of an element can be calculated in a fault? For e.g. what is the contribution of G2 generator? For a circuit below
  17. J

    question on 3-phase fault analysis

    PU method and MVA method should yield same result? Please look at the question A 3-phase fault occurs at a location 1. This point is located downstream from a transformer and a conductor. The conductor (3-ph/480V) has an impedance of Z = 2.0 ohms/phase and the transformer has the following...
  18. J


    I have few more questions about neutral current and harmonics: 1. For a balanced three phase system 3rd harmonics will be three in the system (and hence flow through neutral) only if any non-linear load is there in the system? 2. Is there third harmonics are present only in 3-phase, 4 wire Wye...
  19. J

    Cram for PE actual book Sym Comp 3.1.2 problem 1. Help please

    its may be the other way to write -158 is +21 180-158=21
  20. J


    Thank you so much. Is it true about the 5th harmonic too ? Same problem: balanced system with 5th harmonic currents. What will be the neutral current?