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Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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  1. V

    New here...need a little advice/help.

    Phillip - first - thanks for your service. It sounds like you are looking for options - and the one thing I would suggest is to 'think outside the box." If you were in the Puget Sound area - I would suggest you consider applying for a job at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard (PSNS). We are...
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    Famous movie lines

    My favorite: Bob Hope (as Lawrence): "you live here?" Montgomery: "Yes." Lawrence: "Then maybe you know what a zombie is." Montgomery: "When a person dies and is buried, it seems there are certain voodoo priests who....who have the power to bring him back to life." Carter: "How...
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    Stuck-up, spoiled kid or abused?

    My youngest son decided he want to be independent and free from parents and their rules. He was tired of having to tell us where he was going and when he would return. He was tired of being told to clean up his room. He didn't like our comments about his 'slack' dress code. He was going to...
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    Speak a second language?

    There is another Electrical Engineer in my group that I think is approaching fluency in Klingon. Does that count for a second language?? [Don't be too quick to discount could be great to have if we are attacked by extra-terrestrials who have ridges on their foreheads.] (BTW - this guy...