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  1. L


    You get a notice that you failed along and another file with the diagnostice report and your failing score. This was my second time taking the PE electrical-power, and I was so happy when I saw only one file, which of course said I passed.
  2. L


    I sure was happy when I didn't see a diagnostic report!!!! and then I saw this PASSED Electrical-Power!!!!Whoo Hoo..Congrats to all us who passed and good luck to those that didn't....This was my second time taking the exam.!!!!!
  3. L


    I feel as though I am Jack Torrence...slowly drifting away...."all work and No Play, makes Jack a dull boy"..!!!!!!!!...It looks as thought the insanity will continue onto friday. Damn I would have bet $100 that the results would be out by now...
  4. L


    Eventually we'll get the results....I will either pass and probably never be seen on this board again, or I will fail and you will be reading even more ridiculous posts from me come the end of June, who know I might even get banned a time or two again....ohh the joy!
  5. L


    I prefer to be called sour grapes..thank you!
  6. L


    Did you ever wonder if after they hang up the phone, they tell their co-worker, "yeah I told them we are hard at work and we should have the results finished within a week or two, if someone calls again just tell them 3 weeks" all the while the test results are actually ready to go but the...
  7. L


    it's a fine line between a genius and a scumbag...
  8. L


    You mean like the Government task force that is assinged to find waste that went to Las Vegas and had a two week conference to determine the best way to combat government waste....Those guys are genius's!!!
  9. L


    4 a day, that's way too optimistic!!
  10. L


    Now if only there was some way you could resurrect Ted Night and get him over to BPELS, maybe this would all be over.
  11. L

    Personal Boycotts

    I actually voted for Obama, but this is a great line! Hilarious!!!!!
  12. L


    That would be an understatement, but on the upside.....oh wait...NO upside! that would suck!
  13. L


    I just got an email from PPI about online PE Study groups, that must mean I failed....Damn I knew it!!!!......If only I could have known by reading comments on here that this actually means nothing, I would have actually known this happens to everybody....but NO I failed...DAMN PPI study group!!!
  14. L


    Yeah well I want to have some fun...but also certain people on here will complain to the board administrators and try and get you banned.....I do wish more people had a better sense of humor.
  15. L


    Sorry if you took it that way, it's just a little joke so that the waiting time goes by a little easier...Also it's not illegal if you have a prescription. Not that I suggest they are doing that or imply they are doing that. I am sure they are doing whatever they can to get us the results in...
  16. L


    which is another reason it's taking so long...
  17. L


    No..but I think pot smoking comes before pot least that what i have been told.
  18. L


    Maybe the Board is having it's Xmas Potluck and it spilled over into 3 or 4 days of potlucking....That's possible, I work for a certain state engineering agency, and potlucking during xmas is more popular than 'meth labs' in the midwest....
  19. L


    While I agree with you wholeheartedly, I think that since CA has additional testing that other states don't have, I think they want to finish verifying all PE exams, rather than just release the PE electrical, or PE mechanical. Not 100% sure on that though, also it's possible that people are...
  20. L


    Waiting for these results is pretty difficult but not quite as difficult as these waiting periods. 5.Waiting to see results of tumor biopsy. 4.Waiting to see if the Governor grants stay of execution. 3.Waiting to see if Grenade is a dud after its tossed into your vicinity. 2.Late teenage...