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  1. D

    Results Released to State Boards 12/17

    wow 25% on lateral?? I got off easy, april 2012 was mid 40s for both sections.
  2. D

    October 2012 SE Exam - The Aftermath

    IMO this would be a terrible idea. If a bridge engineer is not capable of answering the simpler AM building questions and instead wants a substituted set of questions, honestly i don't have much faith in his or her capabilities. As it stands the bridge questions are easily 25% of the set of...
  3. D

    Law degree following engineering?

    patent law is only useful for technical degrees in chemistry (pharm) or computer science. Anything kind of engineering related to the fields discussed on this forum are not a good background for patent law. To put it another way, what are the major industries where patents require enforcement...
  4. D

    IL SE by endorsement (Deferral)

    you have a mech eng degree and you are applying for a structural engineering license. whats the problem? get the right education or get more experience.
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    Post your April, 2012 results here

    congrats mcEngr, sucks you had to wait this long but the result was worth it!
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    Post your April, 2012 results here

    wow i did not know it was possible to take the test without a degree. Maryland must have some super lax exception rules. Does your coworker have many many years of experience?
  7. D

    Post your April, 2012 results here

    ^^ wow that is ridiculous, i feel so bad that you had to go through that. does your CTS online exam results reflect your actual test results?
  8. D

    SE Exam Review Courses - Fall 2012

    I took the SEAOI [iL] refersher course. It was quite long, met for 5months, 2x a week. It was expensive and in the end i found it useless. i went because my work would cover it so i figured I would try it out. Honestly, people can easily study by themselves and be far more efficient...
  9. D

    Seismic Design Manual

    I purchased the 3vol SDM and found them very useful. They are overly complex compared to the scope of NCEES problems but they help put into practice many unwritten rules of lateral/seismic design. Don't get caught up in those laborious problems, but if you can understand what is going on you...
  10. D

    Post your April, 2012 results here

    PASS on the first attempt, thank god!! IL test taker here, how long does it take for IDFPR to get me my 081 license number?
  11. D

    Post your April, 2012 results here

    wow that was quick, I think IL will need another week. I would imagine improving that MCQ by ~6points should put you over the top for a pass.
  12. D

    Today's the day

    My previous assumption was late June for results, I would be surprised to find results being released now.
  13. D

    PE vs SE in Texas

    So what license is required for you to excel in your career? It sounds like for you the SE is optional, which doesn't make sense if you are doing structural design. The SE is a beast of a test, the best way to prepare is to first take the PE. It's a much simpler test and easier to study for...
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    Young Engineer - Need Career Advice

    Some states, like IL, allow you to take the PE exam before the experience requirement is met. Once you fulfill it, you just send in the paperwork and get the license. Do exactly this. Research the other company.
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    Going for an MBA

    You say it's for personal development (which i agree with), but be sure to work out an understanding with your current employer (assuming you want to stay with them) about how this MBA will further your rise throughout their leadership structure.
  16. D

    How important is BS in engineering?

    Now is the time to switch! Some masters programs wont even accept you unless you have a bachelors in that same field.
  17. D

    Passing SE scores

    The combined statement is a tad vague, all it says is that it takes both scores for evaluation. Personally I feel test takers should have to pass both am/pm individually, otherwise the SE license loses its meaning.
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    Predicting a "needs improvement" vs. "acceptable" etc.

    I would imagine a 'needs improvement' would be thoroughly completing all but one section. That one incomplete part of the problem could have some preliminary work but it struggles to find a solution path and of course does not come to a propper solution. I think we can all agree multiple...
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    Illinois PE Exam Materials Allowed in Test (HELP!)

    Im speaking from a viewpoint answering the OPs question, about IL PE test takers. In IL you cannot bring previous tests of any kind.
  20. D

    SE Exam Results - how we'll get notified.

    In Illinois, for PE we had to go through the 'Continental Testing Services' for the test result. our NCEES account info gives no information about test scores. I assume it will be the same way for the SE.