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  1. Sapper PE LS

    Happy Birthday Sap!

    Thank you thank you.  I don’t look a day over 92... Also thanks to those who posted birthday wishes on Facebook.
  2. Sapper PE LS

    I passed in CT

    the surveying jurisprudence exam!  Yay!
  3. Sapper PE LS

    Happy Birthday Sap

    See, I still had to start it myself!  But yeah,I haven't been around much, I know.
  4. Sapper PE LS


    So, as of this past Friday at approximately 2:30 PM, I sold my house in Virginia!!!  I can not begin to express how relieved I am... but also how sad I am that it is now not part of my life.  My wife and I bought it in 2004 when she was pregnant with our oldest.  We poured our souls into that...
  5. Sapper PE LS


    It happens to all of us.  First it's a whisker on your chin that you try to convince yourself is just blonde, not gray or silver.  Then, it's the increased waist size, dammit, these jeans fit fifteen years ago, why can't I still fit in a size 34 waist, I haven't put on that much weight, have I? ...
  6. Sapper PE LS

    Moving on - surveying exam

    I tried four times to pass the CT state surveying exam.  I didn't pass any of those tries.  I'm not going to get all mad about it, even though I think it is bullshit that they don't tell you what you got wrong or provide any study resources prior to the exam.  So, I'm just moving on.  I'm going...
  7. Sapper PE LS

    The "spam till CT JP exam is released" thread

    Fuck it.  I'll start my own spam thread, because apparently, CT is regressing in their abilities while NCEES is moving into the modern era.
  8. Sapper PE LS

    Sales Reps, please don't do this

    The following is an email I received this morning from a sales rep.  Now, I am not a grammar nazi, but I prefer my professional email correspondence to be generally coherent, not something that looks like a 6th grader texted it.
  9. Sapper PE LS


  10. Sapper PE LS

    Waiting again for Jurisprudence

    Still waiting.  I'll almost certainly be in Iraq by the time the results are available.
  11. Sapper PE LS

    Mosul Dam This is what I'm going to be dealing with.  Oh yeah, I'm deploying.
  12. Sapper PE LS

    New Era in Sap Household

    So, we've reached a new era in the sapper home.  After basically 11 years (there was a couple years break between number 1 and number 2) we are done with cribs and changing tables. Little Sap #3 graduated to his big boy bed today.  Last night, I put him to bed, half an hour later I hear crying...
  13. Sapper PE LS

    Christmas Drinking Game

    Rules: This Christmas.  Whenever somebody says "Happy Holidays", drink and post in here. Whenever somebody says "See you next year" referencing any moment immediately after January 1st, drink and post in here. Whenever a kid defiantly says "No!" about anything drink and post in here...
  14. Sapper PE LS

    CT State Specific Surveying Exam Results

    Come on, come on, come on, release those results already!
  15. Sapper PE LS

    CT Results

    Why give up PCS only to fail us now?
  16. Sapper PE LS

    Let's all give a round of applause to NCEES

    Seriously, NCEES, good job! Earliest results release in the past nine years... possibly ever. Kudos to the hard working folks at NCEES for constantly improving the turn around time and process by which they administer, grade, and notify candidates of results on these exams.
  17. Sapper PE LS

    In Response to Dr. Elgin

    I recently read this article at the American Surveyor website and felt that I couldn't let it go without comment. Even if nobody of real consequence reads my reply, I still feel compelled to respond. So, I figured I'd put it here, because... why not. First, I mean no disrespect to Dr. Elgin...
  18. Sapper PE LS

    Yep, this sh*t again

    The official April 2015 exam results waiting game. Person who gets post number 10,000 will get a high five. Person with most number of top of pages will get a low five. At least three characters per post. No double posting. Let the mayhem begin.
  19. Sapper PE LS

    In honor of fudgey

    Saw this in another board. Absolutely had to steal it and post it here.
  20. Sapper PE LS

    I'm drinking bourbon tonight

    Who's gonna join me?