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  1. T

    FE passing members - April 2010

    passed in NY! first time! i can't believe it cuz i only covered a few sections of lindburg!!!!!!!!!!!! anyone wanna buy my book as a lucky charm? lol
  2. T

    April 2010 FE Exam results

    Though it's painful waiting, I'm kinda glad NY takes so long cuz I'm pretty sure I failed :i_cry:
  3. T

    April 2010 EXAM, What do you think?

    milton7137, i'm just wondering-- what good is FE, if you've already passed PE?
  4. T

    April 2010 EXAM, What do you think?

    It was my first time, so I don't have much to compare it against, but the ETHICS was HAAARRRRRRDDDDD!
  5. T

    Cell Phones?

    @sac_engineer: That's a relief. Thank you so much!!! Now all I have to worry about is passing...................
  6. T

    Cell Phones?

    I'm taking the exam this Saturday in NYC. I plan to get there by myself via subway. I've got no sense of direction--so I need my phone with me, but it's not allowed at the exam site. WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH MY PHONE??? Do they have cubbies or something? They also state in the instructions 'no...
  7. T

    Hi from NYC

    Hi! I registered way back in college, but wasn't active. I am just now gathering information to take the FE exam in New York. Haven't touched anything math/engineering-related since May '08, but I'm looking forward to jump back in! My BS is in Biomedical, I haven't decided between Chem &amp...