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  1. L


    I feel pretty nrevous, I could probably keep preparing for another month to 'feel ready'. Or maybe I wouldn't even feel ready then. I think I am putting a lot of pressure on myself to pass all three (I'm in CA) the first time. I can't take it in October so I keep thinking, if I don't pass now...
  2. L

    "the other board" Civil Practice Exam

    In the intro to that practice exam it says that it is harder than to be expected on the exam. But he does that so you take his exam, cry and then go into the real one and fly by and hopefully pass and think it was easy. that's how i read it :) In my opinion, it was a lot harder than the...
  3. L

    NCEES sample exam

    I did okay on time, but I was consciuosly trying to go quickly and guessed on some that I did not know how to do. I think for the real test, you must solve the ones you know how to or where to find the material and then return to the harder ones or guess if you run out of time. I would much...
  4. L

    Exam Confirmation

    I didn't get my actual offical letter until March 31st, which was less than 2 weeks from the exam date! I was a little worried, but I did get both postcards. A guy I work with has still not gotten his letter, he has tried calling and they said they would resend, but I guess he will end up at...
  5. L

    Hiner Seismic Design Review Class

    I haven't taken the Hiner class, but the new code is VERY different from the old code, I wouldn't even look at the old code anymore. The biggest thing is that you now have seismic categories, A-F, based on mapped accelerations (found in ASCE) plus the site soil conditions, and the occupancy...
  6. L

    2001 CBC or 2007 CBC for the April 08 Exam?

    It's an error, I checked online where they have pdf psted with the same material and that part has been crossed off. The exam is on the NEW code(s).
  7. L

    CBC - is it necessary to have in the exam?

    For folks that have taken the seismic exam - do you need a copy of the Building Code? Are there lots of questions that you could lookup in the code? I have heard that some people can pass with just Hiner's book or another one, but what do you all think?
  8. L

    Recommended Studying Time

    oh gosh! Congrats Brianne - you are one of the few who could do all three! that is awesome - now you need to have a party! and a raise!
  9. L

    Recommended Studying Time

    thanks for the advice, however I am having trouble locating of those Hiner books. His website says they are updating it for the new CBC rules, but it won't be avaliable until this summer. Just a little too late for me! Also I tried to purchase an old copy, but can't from his website. I also...
  10. L

    Recommended Studying Time

    Hi everyone! I am taking the april 08 exam, and would really, really like to pass both days the first time! Who doesn't? I know that it's possible if I work my butt off. My question is how long would you recommended putting in for the sesmic/ surveying day? I am just feeling a little lost...