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Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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  1. K

    CBT prep

    So advice to others thinking of taking a study course: my company was willing to pay for the online live ppi session this summer. Pros: you can ask questions during lecture, there are homework forums and scheduled office hours, you have access to on demand lectures,  if you fail you get access...
  2. K

    CBT prep

    Yes, you have to pay both. The $377 was just for "processing" our application. Which for me outrageously took them over 10 months! I submitted my application in march 2018 and didn't hear back until January 2019, and that was with multiple calls and emails to NYSOPED.
  3. K

    CBT prep

    Thanks all for the advice. I was just informed I may be able to have a course paid for by my employer. So far it sounds like ppi is the way to go? Any experience with school of PE? I am to take the test June 24 but may bump it back as I feel unprepared. My only worry is I'll be six months...
  4. K

    CBT prep

    How did your studying tactics pay off? Any recommendations? I'm taking it June 24
  5. K

    CBT prep

    Did anyone take the test yet? I'm working through old exams and trying to only use the reference manual that will be provided. I'm starting to feel like an idiot. I take the exam June 24th. Also, if anyone has the old Lindeburg vs new Lindburg book and can share how different they are, it would...