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Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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  1. E

    PE Results - some are released

    I found out through incessantly checking. Still don't have an email from NCEES, but I know I passed!
  2. E

    PE Results - some are released

    I passed!!!!
  3. E

    Florida PE results available on the website!

    I passed!!! First time Civil - Construction!
  4. E

    PE Results - some are released

    Mine did that earlier, then it straightened out... not that I know if that's a good sign or a bad sign... but you're not alone.
  5. E

    PE Results - some are released

    Oh, I'm not waiting on the email, no worries there. NCEES is open as well...
  6. E

    PE Results - some are released

    Every time my phone vibrates to tell me I have a new email, my heart jumps into my throat... seriously!?!?! Get it over with already, stop inflicting pain!!!!
  7. E

    PE Results - some are released

    And getting ZERO accomplished! This is just torture at this point...
  8. E

    PE Results - some are released

    I'm actually leaning towards vomiting myself
  9. E

    PE Results - some are released

    I'm more anxious waiting for these results than I ever was before the test itself!
  10. E

    PE Results - some are released

    Productivity has come to a grinding halt.... still waiting in FL...