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  1. D

    Cut Scores

    I accept that it is not a real test.
  2. D

    Cut Scores

    What I mean by a cut score is that there's no absolute correct solution set and that the passing score has to be determined based on how others perform. For that reason, it is not a real test.
  3. D

    Cut Scores

    Where I took it, they grade you on the spot with an answer sheet in front of them, and tell you whether you fail or not.
  4. D

    Cut Scores

    Yep, should be nothing or all. Is there a cut score for the driver's test?
  5. D

    Cut Scores

    A test with a cut score isn't a real test.
  6. D

    Failed electrical/computer FE for 2nd Time suggestions?

    Nobody in the tech industry cares about PE, only true talent and skills. Use your time and hone real skills.
  7. D

    Failed electrical/computer FE for 2nd Time suggestions?

    Just go and work in the tech industry, no need PE.
  8. D

    The choice of discipline for PE exam

    You don't need PE in oil and gas industry.
  9. D

    Did anyone got 52 in transportation and failed?

    Frogs would become extinct first before they evolve into flying creatures because of civil engineering activities.
  10. D

    Failed ME TF April 2016 - Advice

    How about just not working in fields not related to civil engineering. Try oil and gas industry.
  11. D

    Did anyone got 52 in transportation and failed?

    The probability of every person getting 100% is higher than that of frog having wings.
  12. D

    Did anyone got 52 in transportation and failed?

    If everybody gets a 100% would they still fail some?
  13. D

    AM portion was apparently too easy...

    That's a cliched statement. The exam tests neither responsibility nor competency as an engineer. 
  14. D

    AM portion was apparently too easy...

    Not reward hard working engineers? That sounds like discrimination. Aren't the test developers engineers and have been developing the questions for decades? Examinees getting high/decent scores does not imply that the test was easy or hard.
  15. D

    AM portion was apparently too easy...

    I'm saying if people got a decent score then why fail them?