2019 Novel Coronavirus

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I think she meant can you get a notary from a bank (Kroger will have a notary also a lot of times) to sign it if you cant get someone from your work?

I actually used nextdoor to find a notary to get something done for work a few years ago..

I think she meant can you get a notary from a bank (Kroger will have a notary also a lot of times) to sign it if you cant get someone from your work?

I actually used nextdoor to find a notary to get something done for work a few years ago..
my bad I misunderstood. Somebody from my general counsels will be at office tomorrow, am meeting them there to take care of it.

I am fried between end of fiscal year nonsense and waiting for announcement on how long work from home will continue. Was supposed to announce yesterday, but didnt. My guess is they will wait until Thursday afternoon, since Friday is holiday (observed July 4).

Rumor is work from home will continue until Tuesday after Labor Day, that will be almost six months.

Would you rather:

a.) work from home? 

b.) work at the office while wearing a mask?

work from office and cherry pic some days to WFH (is what I have been doing)

We are only wearing masks when up from your desk - not bad now but currently we dont have even 25% of the office back yet.

Work from home - saves nearly 2 hours travel time that I can use to get projects around the house finished. Not to mention fuel cost savings.

While I still have to travel for work, or work in an environment where a respirator is required, I'm used to wearing it. BUT if I don't have to, I'm not going to.

I still wish I could find where I saw the mask that just said Population Control 2020...

NC reporting today as highest number of confirmed cases.  Coincidentally enough, this comes two weeks after all the NC protests peaked...

no, no, it must be people getting haircuts and going out to eat...

A few months ago people were talking about the 1918 Flu and what dragged that out was the Victory Parades for WWI - I think the demonstrations were basically a version of the parade.

But for $10 Billion bucks the CDC has said you are most likely to get it from someone when you are within 6 FT of someone who has it for 15 minutes or more, and worse if people are talking, singing, yelling, etc - so not a good environment- (Probably not a good environment for movies, bars, sporting events, either) 

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Weird - I guess Denver is doing a big program that they want to try and test everyone? Just got an email from them making a push to test everyone - seems like thats trying to hit a rolling target that may always be changing?

NC reporting today as highest number of confirmed cases.  Coincidentally enough, this comes two weeks after all the NC protests peaked...
Huh, I wonder why that isn't what happened in the SF Bay Area, which did NOT see spikes in cases two weeks after the protests peaked. It couldn't possibly be anything else, now could it?

I would also like to point out from an anecdotal standpoint, that as someone who has gone to protests where it was impossible to socially distance, but everyone wore masks (myself included), I got tested two weeks later and was COVID negative. Note, we had low numbers to begin with in our area, due to being the first place (let's call it, metropolitan area) in the country to impose Stay At Home orders. Now we are seeing spikes here and elsewhere in the state, as things are getting reopened. But again, my city and county (SF) was on a slower timeline to reopen than the rest the state in many cases. Now the state of CA is rolling back the reopenings for about 70% of the state population.

I thought he was in the home repair business or something these days?
He is. 

Also, apparently he stopped, collaborated, and listened...The concert is cancelled.  TBH, as of Wednesday night there were only 84 tickets sold.  So probably not a problem with the social distancing...
