I Got 999 First World Problems

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I disagree. For a summer (a few years back) I swam at LSU's Rec Center to shed some weight. The place reeked of chlorine. In three months, the rubber straps of three sets of goggles practically melted and the same number of swimsuits "burned". Too much chlorine.

Being on Texas time in AZ, and having to work in my hotel room before my client opens shop.

Back-to-back problems:

eb.com'ers don't seem to know their mountain wildlife...
You mean they confused the pic below with a real animal? People gotta get outta the city more...


I was at least happy he guessed something that had 4 legs and fur...
It was the biggest pika I had ever seen.

Bought $20 worth of frozen waffles yesterday. Only had room for three packages in the upstairs freezer. The rest had to go in the basement deep freeze.

My cable internet seams too slow, why does firefox need to "think" before it loads a page..?. 3 seconds to load a picture, really? Those a$$holes in the future will have it made, braodband for them will be a word like tapedeck.

My cable internet seams too slow, why does firefox need to "think" before it loads a page..?. 3 seconds to load a picture, really? Those a$$holes in the future will have it made, braodband for them will be a word like tapedeck.
Check your speeds here. Will give you a pretty good indication of where you are at. Also could be that you are discovering a hardware bottleneck. As magnetic hard drives fill up, access times are increased, and things begin to run slower. Could be your GPU as well depending on age. Updating the drivers for that could boost things a bit. You might be running a bit low on system memory as well which can cause a PC to "think" longer until more memory is available. If you had a solid state hard drive as your main system drive, you would virtually have no "thinking" time. ;)

Really don't feel like traveling to VA next week for work.

^ I was just checking in on the 1st world complaint dept.

Do you think 2nd and 3rd world countries manscape? A chore for sure... there's even businesses evolved from this topic.

Mr. YMZ is verbally harassing me to join The Sims Social so I can build him a fire station. It's a lot harder to ignore a Sims request in person than on Facebook.

My company is phasing out the company-provided cell phones and instead will provide a $48 bi-weekly stipend. I hate mixing my work contacts with my personal ones.

It is time to renew my ICC certs again.

At least they are cheaper than the NFPA counterparts.
