State Release Notes - Oct 2021

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Dec 9, 2014
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This is my fourth and final effort at compiling a list of individual State release notes. This is updated based on the comments on last April's post and last years results release. It's obviously incomplete.

Feel free to reply with your own notes, and any observations from previous sessions or the upcoming October 2021 release. Since this is the last P&P results release, any comments are just collected for posterity.

Note: Most of these notes reflect the time when NCEES released to the States in batches. In Oct 2019, it appears that the results were sent to all states at the same time early in the day, and the States authorized the release at different times.

Alabama – historically one of the first to release

Alaska –

Arizona – Tends to be early on day 1.

Arkansas – Tends to release day 1. They occasionally send emails to those who pass first

California – will release towards the end of the first day or on the second day

Colorado – Is going to make you wait a day or so. Everyone always complains about DORA

Connecticut - tends to release Day 2 or later

Delaware – tends to be Day 1 or 2

DC – Mailing jurisdiction. Will release online after all envelopes are in the mail. Usually Day 2+

Florida – tends to release on day 2

Georgia –Generally has been the last to release the last few years. Typically about 4-5 days/1 week after initial release. You might be able to figure something out via license lookup. Names are added in an unpredictable way, and people still learn that they pass despite not seeing their name initially in the license lookup.

Hawaii – Day 4+, both mails and emails results


Illinois – CTS state, so results get posted there first. Historically all over the calendar, could happen Day 1 or Day 5 or later


Iowa - Tends to release on Day 1



Louisiana - tends to be after lunch on Day 1, occasionally day 2

Maine – tends to be early on day 1. May find yourself on license lookup first

Maryland – Prior to 2015 was a very late releaser, then was one of the first states to release for a few years, now happens middle of Day 1

Mass – Uses CTS, so check that site. Tends to be one one of the later states. Prior to release the check-list says weird things. We haven’t been able out what -if anything- those things mean, as there is no pattern

Michigan – tends to release later in the day

Minnesota – Mailing state, results are released electronically after letters mailed. Expect to wait a few days.

Mississippi – Tends to release on day 1 or 2. Examinees may find themselves on the license lookup first


Montana – State may send an email to those who passed before general release. Release tends to happen on day 1 or 2


Nevada – tends to release later on day 1

New Hampshire – tends to release on day 1

New Jersey – One of the later states to release. Some examinees may be able to figure out if they passed by logging onto state website and looking at their checklist. If the item for “pass PE exam” (or similar) is checked, then it appears that the results is a pass. However, the checklists are updated in a random order and times; some people learn they pass even thought their checklist was never updated prior to the release.

New Mexico – tends to release in the afternoons on Day 1 or 2

New York – tends to release on day 1 or 2. But actually getting your license may take months

North Carolina

North Dakota


Oklahoma - tends to release middle of Day 1


Pennsylvania – lol, abandon all hope ye who waiting here.

Rhode Island – tends to release after a few days

South Carolina – despite NCEES being in SC, you should expect results in the afternoon of Day 1 or on Day 2

South Dakota – mailing state. Some who passed may be able to find themselves on the license lookup on day 2


Texas – tends to release later in the day on Day 1, or early on Day 2

Utah - tends to release on Day 1

Vermont – all over the calendar, could be day 1 could be day 4. Can happen anytime during regular business hours. Takes about a week to get your license number after passing.

Virginia - tends to be day 1 recently

Washington – tends to release later in the day

West Virginia - tends to be day 1 recently



Puerto Rico – limited data, but tends to release day 2-4

Virgin Islands – limited data, but tends to release day 2-4

Guam – very limited data, but tends to release in the first week

Northern Marianas - They are a licensing jurisdiction, but we've never had someone report from there

American Samoa - N/A, they do not license PEs

Canada – varies by province, tends to be Day 1-3

International (not Canada) – results tend to be the very first to go out on Day 1
Pennsylvania – lol, abandon all hope ye who waiting here.
I feel like @RBHeadge PE is just trying to spite me by doubling down on this lmao!

Pennsylvania has been a day 1 release state for three exams in a row, and 6 of the last 9.

Has released within the first three days every exam since Oct. 2016.

But what else can I expect from someone from......*gulp*......MARYLAND! *DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUN* *Insert thunder and lightning here*