SE Exam October 2023 - How Did It Go?

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Yoink?! (PE/SE, Bridge Engineer)
Oct 29, 2023
Reaction score
Alright, how did it go?

I took both bridge exams. I did NOT feel good about either morning exam, but was very pleased with the AM parts.
I took both buldings exams. Feeling pretty good about Thursday for both parts, and the afternoon of Friday. Not certain about Friday AM.
Granted, this is my 3rd take of the Vertical and 2nd take of the LA. (Attempted both in 2018 and Vetrical again in April of this year)
This was my second attempt at the Lateral exam for buildings. Thankfully made it through Vertical in the spring. Morning was rough, did a lot of guessing on the bridge questions. Afternoon I was able to actually finish all the questions this time without leaving anything blank... but I know a few of my answers were grabbing at straws. Now to ignore the existence of this exam until January for my sanity.
First attempt for SE lateral - buildings (Friday). AM felt challenging and had to guess quite a few of them (specially AASHTO questions). Was able to finish PM portion but not confident about approach and answers for few questions.
Second attempt at Lateral Building. I felt solid in the AM but the afternoon was rough. I didn't feel like I fully answered any of the questions, though I was able to get something down for everything. Considering becoming a farmer or innkeeper...