Oct 2021 Pass Rates

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Dec 9, 2014
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NCEES updated the pass rates for the last exam session:

ExamFirst-time takers Repeat takers FormatAvailabilityLast updated
VolumePass RateVolumePass Rate
PE Agricultural and Biological Engineering1669%1100%P&POnce per yearDec 2020
PE Architectural Engineering6456%2138%P&POnce per yearJune 2021
PE Chemical22157%7543%CBTYear roundJuly 2021
PE Civil: Construction80553%71526%P&PTwice per yearJune 2021
PE Civil: Geotechnical48866%47748%P&PTwice per yearJune 2021
PE Civil: Structural144756%88335%P&PTwice per yearJune 2021
PE Civil: Transportation168570%103851%P&PTwice per yearJune 2021
PE Civil: Water Resources and Environmental185067%93644%P&PTwice per yearJune 2021
PE Control Systems19367%5931%P&POnce per yearDec 2020
PE Electrical and Computer: Computer Engineering3471%729%P&PTwice per yearDec 2020
PE Electronics, Controls, and Communications15262%3222%P&PTwice per yearDec 2020
PE Electrical and Computer: Power154862%21350%CBTYear roundJuly 2021
PE Environmental41072%8841%CBTYear roundJuly 2021
PE Fire Protection7488%30%CBTOnce per yearJuly 2021
PE Industrial and Systems2467%1100%CBTOnce per yearJuly 2021
PE Mechanical: HVAC and Refrigeration66370%8856%CBTYear roundJuly 2021
PE Mechanical: Machine Design and Materials39169%6159%CBTYear roundJuly 2021
PE Mechanical: Thermal and Fluid Systems49067%8060%CBTYear roundJuly 2021
PE Metallurgical and Materials4869%1127%P&POnce per yearDec 2020
PE Mining and Mineral Processing4065%1414%P&POnce per yearDec 2020
PE Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering2662%1233%P&POnce per yearJune 2021
PE Nuclear1258%540%CBTOnce per yearJan 2021
PE Petroleum10663%2737%CBTOnce per yearJan 2021

Numbers look a little lower than normal but generally in line with past sessions.

ExamFirst-time takers Repeat takers FormatAvailabilityLast updated
VolumePass RateVolumePass Rate
PE Agricultural and Biological Engineering3382%0N/ACBTOnce per yearDec 2021
PE Architectural Engineering6456%2138%P&POnce per yearJune 2021
PE Chemical22157%7543%CBTYear roundJuly 2021
PE Civil: Construction72853%71937%P&PTwice per yearDec 2021
PE Civil: Geotechnical55054%36630%P&PTwice per yearDec 2021
PE Civil: Structural141162%90842%P&PTwice per yearDec 2021
PE Civil: Transportation157763%104541%P&PTwice per yearDec 2021
PE Civil: Water Resources and Environmental173067%98844%P&PTwice per yearDec 2021
PE Control Systems17567%4943%P&POnce per yearDec 2021
PE Electrical and Computer: Computer Engineering4549%0N/ACBTOnce per yearDec 2021
PE Electronics, Controls, and Communications20869%0N/ACBTOnce per yearDec 2021
PE Electrical and Computer: Power154862%21350%CBTYear roundJuly 2021
PE Environmental41072%8841%CBTYear roundJuly 2021
PE Fire Protection23682%2259%CBTOnce per yearDec 2021
PE Industrial and Systems10466%2335%CBTOnce per yearDec 2021
PE Mechanical: HVAC and Refrigeration66370%8856%CBTYear roundJuly 2021
PE Mechanical: Machine Design and Materials39169%6159%CBTYear roundJuly 2021
PE Mechanical: Thermal and Fluid Systems49067%8060%CBTYear roundJuly 2021
PE Metallurgical and Materials5682%1225%P&POnce per yearDec 2021
PE Mining and Mineral Processing6551%0N/ACBTOnce per yearDec 2021
PE Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering2662%1233%P&POnce per yearJune 2021
PE Nuclear1753%250%CBTOnce per yearDec 2021
PE Petroleum8656%3027%CBTOnce per yearDec 2021
Some highlights between the June update and this December update:

Agricultural had double the first-time takers and saw a pass rate increase of 13%.

Civil: Geotechnical took a 12% and 18% nosedive for first-time and repeat takers, respectively. Was the depth significantly harder this time? I took Structural so I can only speak for the morning session "Which I thought was about on par compared to the April 2021 exam.

Electrical and Computer: Computer went from 34 to 45 first-time takers, but saw a 22% nose dive in the pass rate.

Mettalurgical went up 13%, while Mining dropped by 14%. Significantly more takers for the latter.
NCEES updated the pass rates for the last exam session:

ExamFirst-time takersRepeat takersFormatAvailabilityLast updated
VolumePass RateVolumePass Rate
PE Agricultural and Biological Engineering1669%1100%P&POnce per yearDec 2020
PE Architectural Engineering6456%2138%P&POnce per yearJune 2021
PE Chemical22157%7543%CBTYear roundJuly 2021
PE Civil: Construction80553%71526%P&PTwice per yearJune 2021
PE Civil: Geotechnical48866%47748%P&PTwice per yearJune 2021
PE Civil: Structural144756%88335%P&PTwice per yearJune 2021
PE Civil: Transportation168570%103851%P&PTwice per yearJune 2021
PE Civil: Water Resources and Environmental185067%93644%P&PTwice per yearJune 2021
PE Control Systems19367%5931%P&POnce per yearDec 2020
PE Electrical and Computer: Computer Engineering3471%729%P&PTwice per yearDec 2020
PE Electronics, Controls, and Communications15262%3222%P&PTwice per yearDec 2020
PE Electrical and Computer: Power154862%21350%CBTYear roundJuly 2021
PE Environmental41072%8841%CBTYear roundJuly 2021
PE Fire Protection7488%30%CBTOnce per yearJuly 2021
PE Industrial and Systems2467%1100%CBTOnce per yearJuly 2021
PE Mechanical: HVAC and Refrigeration66370%8856%CBTYear roundJuly 2021
PE Mechanical: Machine Design and Materials39169%6159%CBTYear roundJuly 2021
PE Mechanical: Thermal and Fluid Systems49067%8060%CBTYear roundJuly 2021
PE Metallurgical and Materials4869%1127%P&POnce per yearDec 2020
PE Mining and Mineral Processing4065%1414%P&POnce per yearDec 2020
PE Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering2662%1233%P&POnce per yearJune 2021
PE Nuclear1258%540%CBTOnce per yearJan 2021
PE Petroleum10663%2737%CBTOnce per yearJan 2021

Numbers look a little lower than normal but generally in line with past sessions.
No bones this round they got to make some money off the new CBT format 😁
Numbers seem quite high for Civil: Structural. It was my first time taking it so I can't speak to the difficulty as compared to other offerings. @structurenole15 did the depth seem comparable to April as well?
To me, it seemed like a more difficult exam compared to April. I also thought I passed and didn't so take that info however you want lol
The overall pass rate for Civil: Structural in April 2021 was 48%.
For October 2021, it jumps to 54%.

More repeat takers and less first time takers between the two. Makes sense. Those that took it before (like me) wanted to get it over with before CBT. Those that didn't opted to wait for CBT.
I just did the math to see what the overall passing percentage for the other Civil were & here they are...

The overall pass rate for Civil: Construction in April 2021 was 40%.
For October 2021, it jumps up to 45%.

The overall pass rate for Civil: Geotech in April 2021 was 57%.
For October 2021, it dives to 44%.

The overall pass rate for Civil: Structural in April 2021 was 48%.
For October 2021, it jumps to 54%. (Copied from Steelnole 15 above)

The overall pass rate for Civil: Transportation in April 2021 was 63%.
For October 2021, it dives to 54%.

The overall pass rate for Civil: WRE in April 2021 was 59%.
For October 2021, it stayed the same at 59%.

For Construction and Structural the passing overall percentage increased, but for Geotech and Transportation it decreased and WRE stayed the same.

What are your thoughts on why?
I just did the math to see what the overall passing percentage for the other Civil were & here they are...

The overall pass rate for Civil: Construction in April 2021 was 40%.
For October 2021, it jumps up to 45%.

The overall pass rate for Civil: Geotech in April 2021 was 57%.
For October 2021, it dives to 44%.

The overall pass rate for Civil: Structural in April 2021 was 48%.
For October 2021, it jumps to 54%. (Copied from Steelnole 15 above)

The overall pass rate for Civil: Transportation in April 2021 was 63%.
For October 2021, it dives to 54%.

The overall pass rate for Civil: WRE in April 2021 was 59%.
For October 2021, it stayed the same at 59%.

For Construction and Structural the passing overall percentage increased, but for Geotech and Transportation it decreased and WRE stayed the same.

What are your thoughts on why?
Where are you getting those percentages? Construction for example was 53% this past October.
Where are you getting those percentages? Construction for example was 53% this past October.
53% is the first-time taker pass percentage. You have to combine the first-time taker percentage and the repeat-taker percentage to find out how many people overall passed and failed, regardless of how many times they've taken it.
I just did the math to see what the overall passing percentage for the other Civil were & here they are...

The overall pass rate for Civil: Construction in April 2021 was 40%.
For October 2021, it jumps up to 45%.

The overall pass rate for Civil: Geotech in April 2021 was 57%.
For October 2021, it dives to 44%.

The overall pass rate for Civil: Structural in April 2021 was 48%.
For October 2021, it jumps to 54%. (Copied from Steelnole 15 above)

The overall pass rate for Civil: Transportation in April 2021 was 63%.
For October 2021, it dives to 54%.

The overall pass rate for Civil: WRE in April 2021 was 59%.
For October 2021, it stayed the same at 59%.

For Construction and Structural the passing overall percentage increased, but for Geotech and Transportation it decreased and WRE stayed the same.

What are your thoughts on why?
I don't see any changes bigger than about 15%. That doesn't seem particularly significant to me. I think it's just the natural variation.
I ran some more numbers for the PE Civil Exam;
Spring 2021, total takers (both 1st time & repeaters) was 10,324. Of that, 5,643 passed for an overall pass rate of 55%.
Fall 2021, total takers (both 1st time & repeaters) was 10,022. Of that, 5,331 passed for an overall pass rate of 53%.

Even if individual discipline pass rates move up or down per each test cycles, as jean15paul_PE (see above) points outs, "don't see changes bigger than about 15%". The total overall for PE Civil Exam was around the same (within 2%) of those that pass regardless of which afternoon session one would take.

If you looked around the room on test day, one could say that 53-55% will pass this exam and all the other ones won't. Regardless, if this was first time or, 2nd, 3rd or 4th time.

Also, notice too, there were slightly more takers for the Spring of 2021 Exam than there were in Fall 2021 Exam. Just 302 more takers in Spring 2021 than Fall 2021. I would have expected there to be significant more takers in the Fall 2021 versus Spring 2021 given this was the last P & P Exam. However, room size and/or capacity may have limits too. There may be pre-assign numbers of takers permitted by NCEEs regardless if this was last P&P test or not. Were there anyone at the last day or so for signups that got turned down because the seats were completely filled? Or another reason could be that some were just finished taking the P&P Exam and wanted to move on to CBT Exam.

What are your thoughts?