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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2018
Reaction score
Hi, everyone.

I try to keep an eye on the forum here, but don't visit as often as I used to. If you have a Florida-related question, please tag me in it so that I get a notification. I'll try to respond as soon as I can. :)
Does it mater if I pass my PE exam at the first time or at the 100th time? will my license application get rejected because of too many attempts?
It used to be that after three PE fails, the Board required you to take additional college credit. But since 2019, no, you can take it as many times in Florida as you need to pass it. We only look at whether you pass or not, not the number of times. (This is only in Florida; I can't say how other states look at this.)

Hopefully, you'll pass it right away.

But, if you've failed it twice, you may consider whether you are taking the PE exam in the right discipline. For instance, you may have graduated with a civil engineering degree, but have been working in a job in which you do mechanical engineering. Rather than taking the civil exam, maybe you should be taking the mechanical exam. Remember that the PE exam is based on experience. Just keep that in mind.
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It used to be that after three PE fails, the Board required you to take additional college credit. But since 2019, no, you can take it as many times in Florida as you need to pass it. We only look at whether you pass or not, not the number of times. (This is only in Florida; I can't say how other states look at this.)

Hopefully, you'll pass it right away.

But, if you've failed it twice, you may consider whether you are taking the PE exam in the right discipline. For instance, you may have graduated with a civil engineering degree, but have been working in a job in which you do mechanical engineering. Rather than taking the civil exam, maybe you should be taking the mechanical exam. Remember that the PE exam is based on experience. Just keep that in mind.
Thank you so much!
FBPE accepts abroad work experience? Is there any special reccomendation filling out the NCEES records? Thanks in advice.
Yes, the Board accepts work experience while working abroad. Reach out to either Angie or Lisa (based on the first letter of your last name) for details. They have a better understanding of the licensure process and NCEES Records than I do. Their extensions and emails are at the link: https://fbpe.org/contact/#licensure