Who travels alot (for work)

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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
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OK here is the short version..

Most of you know my job sucks..

I got recruited for a job that would not be in Denver, but would allow me to live here and basically I would be on the road 2 weeks a month, the other 2 weeks I would work from home (never done that either). Soemtimes it would be 2 weeks straght, most times it would be a week work, week at home, etc,,

I dont think I could do this long term but maybe it would allow me to not hate myself for agreeing to my current job and give me time to extend my stay here in the 5280.. But part of me thinks I would like the travel, at least for a year or two.. then I would think it would get serioulsy old...

Plus side:

This is stormwater modeling in Orlando type money...

Lots of Flexibility / work in pajamas, my kids are all in school/ wife works some during the week

Chance to do something different, not sales, but promotional type work

Wife could work alot less, maybe not at all.

Denver aiport not to big, not to small, pretty easy access from where I live (versus say LA or Atlanta aiport every week)


I am sure traveling gets very old

Taking lots politicians and such out to lunch / dinner / drinks / smoozing with probably dirty old men? dirty old women would be in the plus side :)

Family stuff going to miss, kid activities, during those weeks, stress of all "that"

Figuring out how to exercise / eating healthy while traveling? Ive never been able to be that disciplines abot running on the treadmill in the tiny room at the hotel..

Im assuming you feel alone not having daily coworkers?

Hookers and Blow in the Hotel / divorce / STD/etc

Just trying to check all the bad along with the good.. You folks that do this or have done this what am I missing?

another plus is I could meet those of you that live in Houston , LA, Miss, Alabama, North Florida (along that route)

That kind of travel schedule is for young, single people.

Politicians...you can never wash enough....yo'll never be clean.

Sorry I have to vote No. I was the spouse stuck at home while the hubby traveled M-F home only on the weekends for months on end. As the other half of the relationship, I wouldn't care how $ money it was.

Election years will probably increase that 2 weeks to 3...then 3.5...

It gets old fast. I've basically been doing that this year so far, yet I work from the office instead of from home. If I had to work from home, I'd get about 10x less done every day. I wouldn't volunteer for it unless it was short term and major bucks.

I travel a minimum of 1 week per month (usually more) and it is difficult to get anything done at the house. I'm ok with it but any more would be really difficult. My original commitment when I started was traveling once a month but never for the full week. funny how things change.

You will plan traveling, be gone traveling, and spend the rest of your time at home getting caught up from traveling. You will find that the do it your self projects or hobbies will be much harder to accomplish than what you enjoy currently.

By the way, I passed on a situation like the opportunity in front of you now and the only regret, if you can call it that, is the slightly smaller paycheck. The offset is that now I get to eat lunch with my wife and kids more often than I thought I ever would. Something that wouldn't have been possible if I would have taken the other route. A route that I could still pursue if I wanted to...

Follow you gut. It's almost always correct. :)
