Vending Machine Woes

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Taking suggestions
Nov 3, 2006
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unpadded cell
The new company they have servicing/filling the vending machines here SUCK!!!

The machines really need a parital or total fill once a week...that how fast we go through it. The machines sit empty for weeks. I think the new company comes once a month, based on the disappearance of all the sticky notes for the machine stealing money or items not dropping.

They also took the price tags off most of the snack items. 85 cents for a tiny bag of sun chips, while the same size bag of cheetos,fritos, lay chips are 50 cents.

Um... if it's frequented that much, why don't you just buy that stuff in the store and keep it in your office? You'll save money and sanity.

I am usually only a once a week user or when I've run out of stuff at my desk, but I walk past them almost daily.

Ours is service by the commision of the blind, so what isn't out of date or upside down is usually unwanted. lays regular occupies one bay, and is gone in les that a day. then you are left with Munchos, two kinds of pork rinds, and Andy Capp's Hot Fries.

You could always go buy your own. They sell them at Sams Club and Costco, then you can buy supplies there too.

You could always go buy your own. They sell them at Sams Club and Costco, then you can buy supplies there too.
acutally we can't. I remember being told there was some wording in the contracts with the vending company preventing us from doing things like that.

You could always go buy your own. They sell them at Sams Club and Costco, then you can buy supplies there too.
I do that every so often and keep a jar of dry roasted peanuts in my desk, too. Plus, i take sodas.

One guy has his own coffeemaker and fridge in his office.

You could always go buy your own. They sell them at Sams Club and Costco, then you can buy supplies there too.
acutally we can't. I remember being told there was some wording in the contracts with the vending company preventing us from doing things like that.
Well, I'm sure there's also something in the contract that says the vending machine company is supposed to keep the machine full too.

The ones we had on the job site were awesome. The ones at the office suck. Nothing good in them, overpriced ($1.30 for a frickin' soda), and there's never any change, so you have to use your credit card on it. Need to start bringing food from home, especially breakfast now that my sausage biscuits aren't an option.

Ours is service by the commision of the blind, so what isn't out of date or upside down is usually unwanted. lays regular occupies one bay, and is gone in les that a day. then you are left with Munchos, two kinds of pork rinds, and Andy Capp's Hot Fries.
Amen- I've tried to convince Bobby, our resident blind guy, to bring in some root beer for the non-caffine people... no such luck... but he's got hot pockets now!!!!

Ours is service by the commision of the blind, so what isn't out of date or upside down is usually unwanted. lays regular occupies one bay, and is gone in les that a day. then you are left with Munchos, two kinds of pork rinds, and Andy Capp's Hot Fries.
Amen- I've tried to convince Bobby, our resident blind guy, to bring in some root beer for the non-caffine people... no such luck... but he's got hot pockets now!!!!
In all fairness... I love Andy Capps hot fries.

Last time I had them was seventh grade, back in 78-79, and I don't recall them being very hot at all. tasted like BBQ chip flavor with the heat turned up and the sweet dialed back.

It was gross.

How the Hot Fries continues to exist is beyond me. They must be uber cheap to produce, and therefore highly profitable. Probably leftovers / defects from some other product, ground-up, refried, and seasoned. I don't see how anyone goes to a vending machine, looks at all the options, and decides "I gotta have me some Andy Capps Hot Fries".

Back in college, deep in the basement study lounge of my major building, there existed Stephen King's evil vending machine. Usually before midnight, it dispensed nourishing goodness; but sometimes in the dark quiet at 2AM when you were delirious with hunger and pleaded with it for just one half stick of Andy Capps Hot Fries, it cruelly withheld and stole your last nickel in mocking silence.

One night, it stepped over the line and I beat the hell out of it (lightly though, so as not to crack the glass).

I don't know what I did - maybe it suddenly became self-aware and experienced empathy - but it started dispensing change non-stop, one coin at a time.

The janitor showed up with a bucket and we split about fifteen bucks. Not entirely ethical I know, but that freaking machine took so much money from me and caused me so much grief over the years that I felt justified. Besides the janitor was just going to take the whole pot anyway.
