V-Cord machine

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2009
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Just for giggles, I am looking for a V-Cord machine, made by either Sanyo or Toshiba. It predated the VHS and Beta formats. I do have a good reason to search, my friend has loads of tapes in this format, many from the old Browns hotel in the catskills. This is the hotel where Jerry Lewis got his start, even worked as a busboy there. I don't know all who are on the tapes, but you never know who has one of these machines in their parents attic.

V-cord. I never heard of it, so I looked it up. They were made in '75/'76. I would not expect any early "up and coming" Jerry Lewis footage.

oh, I know that, but you never know how some people like to fill out their collections
