Types of asphalt...?

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Feb 8, 2010
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I have searched the asphalt handbook (very cumbersome book btw) and every other references that I have and I still cannot find it. I understand that there are three types but where can this be found....arrrggghh!

Also where would you look to find minimum thicknesses over the different types of asphalt. Again the Asphalt handbook is very difficult to find these simple questions

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I have searched the asphalt handbook (very cumbersome book btw) and every other references that I have and I still cannot find it. I understand that there are three types but where can this be found....arrrggghh!

Also where would you look to find minimum thicknesses over the different types of asphalt. Again the Asphalt handbook is very difficult to find these simple questions
I'm no expert, but I think these are the different types:

Asphalt binder

emulsified asphalt

cutback asphalt

foamed asphalt

Try this site: http://www.asphaltwa.com/wapa_web/modules/.../03_asphalt.htm

if you are talking about thickness I would assume you mean Hot Mix Asphalt. the minimum thickness of a lift of Hot Mix Asphalt is generally 2 X the largest aggregate in your mix design since two stones bumping together would bridge through the surface.

Badger's reference does give three types of asphalt cement, and asphalt binder is just another term for asphalt cement.

if you mean three types of HMA, that is a tough one as different regions use different mixes. it would be hard to limit to three.

I have searched the asphalt handbook (very cumbersome book btw) and every other references that I have and I still cannot find it. I understand that there are three types but where can this be found....arrrggghh!

Also where would you look to find minimum thicknesses over the different types of asphalt. Again the Asphalt handbook is very difficult to find these simple questions
Did you mean ASPHALT or PAVEMENT. There are many type of asphalt (depending on the type of agregate and purpose of asphalt). For this exam we study two different type of pavement - Flexible and Rigid, CERM ch. 75 & 76.

You may find in these chapters many different type of asphalts (p. 75-1, 76-1). Again it depend of needs of asphalt. The thikness of asphlat is also depends of needs. You can look at any typical section on Roadway design Plans and see yourself, that thikness depend of puppose also. If its top layer - its about 1.5 inch, next layer goes 2-3 inch. To calculate the thickness of pavement go to CH. 75-21 p. 75-18. But I hope we wouldn't have it on the test (its complicated to me).

Asphalt Handbook is very handy book if you know how to use it. Other wise don't spend much time on it -use CERM.

Hope I answer your question.
